I just got educated about some election rigging methods Dem Party & Hillary use

Voting Machines Are Swell!
Criminetleys. Alternet writer Roseann Demoro (read on Salon) just taught me a whole bunch of things about Hillary skullduggery and Dem Party primary vote-rigging shenanigans that I was completely ignorant of. Here are the items that surprised me most:

Press conferences. Sanders is happy to talk to the press, Hillary not so much. Ostensibly, she wants to stay in charge of her message and make sure reporters don’t get the chance to pin her down on the weird stuff she does… (like flip-flop positions, steal Sanders’ most popular position stands, get huge support from soul-sucking Wall Street firms and from the Daddy of public education destruction in the US, Eli Broad – whose lawyer HRC used to be). read more

America responds resoundingly to Bernie Sanders’ anger & honesty in Dem Debate

CNN Politics poll results
Source: CNN Politics Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015
Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015[/caption]Did you notice in the Dem debate that all of the candidates (except O’Malley, who seems immutable) were trying to be more human – even Hillary, who failed miserably (because she’s a bot and has serious barriers to displaying emotion thanks to her botox cheeks and varnished hair). This is all because of Bernie Sanders, who has single-handledly managed to re-introduce humanity and compassion back into the American political dialogue.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says read more