Just how bad is Chris Christie?

Why wouldn’t wealthy conservatives love Chris Christie? He zealously protects their interests: keep the poor working without perks and benefits for the benefit and comfort of the wealthy. Eradicate environmental friendly laws that put more value on people’s health than on businesses dumping toxic waste in communities where people live or incinerating it into their air supply; on developing projects that deplete, or destroy, natural resources which are everyone’s concern and responsibility, or pollute beyond imagination the land they occupy. Get the most money possible away from the public school system because an educated customer is not the most easily manipulated consumer or citizen. Raise transportation costs so high people need to work longer hours just to pay the cost of traveling to and from work. Fierce political competition? No problem, just beat them with a bat, call them names, or arrest them!

Some people have spent time investigating Christie’s shadowy career. Here’s what they say:

  • Prosecutorial Misconduct in the United States Attorney’s Office, New Jersey District
  • NJ Gov Chris Christie: The good and the bad
  • Superior Court Judge Peter Doyne’s, “fact-finding hearings found Gov. Chris Christie’s $1 billion in cuts to public schools this year left schools falling well short of the state constitution’s guarantee of a “thorough and efficient” education system.”
  • Christie killed the single largest infrastructure project in the northeast United States, the ARC tunnel project, which would have added much needed public transit capacity between New Jersey and New York would also have created many needed jobs. The Port Authority was also making sure that ethnic minority-owned companies got their fair share of contracts. Empowering the poor with good jobs, public transit commuters with easier rides and independent entrepreneurs with solid contracts goes against the Christie Creed: exploit, demean, oppress; rob of hope and peace of mind all the little people, all the time. So the ARC project was doomed from the moment Christie took office.
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