Why would they make a heart out of palms?

hearts of palm_can

hearts of palm_canWhen you’re a kid, certain things just don’t make sense. One of those for me, were hearts of palm. They tasted OK but I still didn’t want to eat too many of them. Couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to replace a good old red-blooded human heart with a heart made out of these things.

It was decades before I would “get” that one, but now I can finally enjoy gobbling these bad boys up without feeling I’m colluding in some kind of Frankenstein experiment. read more

Errr, Dems: campaign means promote our candidates, not theirs

Dem doorhangers featuring GOP candidates

gop candidates promoted by demsAnother reason progressives lose: we’re morons at candidate promotion. Constantly naming the oppositions’ candidates and pasting photos of them all over the media is not a winning strategy.

Stop helping the other team give their candidates face time and views. Just freakin’ stop. Door hangers featuring GOP candidates belong in the Dem HQ recycling bins.