NJ Bag Ban starts May 4 - what you need to know.
FTC fines Big Box stores for claims that rayon is ‘eco-friendly bamboo’
FTC fines Big Box stores $5.5 million for claims that rayon is 'eco-friendly bamboo'
Help build the future – apply now for a clean energy job
Help build the future - apply now for a clean energy job with the DOE's Clean Energy Corps.
New Jersey servicios legales y sociales gratuitos para niños inmigrantes
New Jersey es el hogar de la quinta población más grande de niños inmigrantes no-acompañados en el país
(TRENTON) – En el 22 de marzo de 2022, la Comisionada Sarah Adelman anunció que el Departamento de Servicios Humanos de New Jersey se ha asociado con Niños en necesidad de defensa (Kids in Need of Defense –KIND, por sus siglas en inglés) para proporcionar asesoramiento jurídico gratuito y coordinación de servicios sociales a los niños y jóvenes migrantes que llegan a New Jersey como menores no acompañados en busca de refugio.
Protect your internet rights on April 4 Antitrust Day
Mobilization to orotect your internet rights starts today on April 4 – Antitrust Day
Did you know there’s an Elizabeth Warren wiki?
The Elizabeth Warren wiki includes information on my favorite @SenWarren speech: 'You Didn't Build That On Your Own'
Can probiotics save honeybees from disease and collapse?
“Probiotics aren’t just for humans,” said Gregor Reid, Ph.D., Professor at Western’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and Endowed Chair in Human Microbiome and Probiotics at Lawson. “Our idea was that if you could use beneficial microbes to stimulate the immune response or attack the pathogens that are infecting the hives, then maybe we can help save the bees.”
Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-10-probiotics-honey-bees-fatal-disease.amp
Source Western University video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9_EV3H36lA
Gobernador de New Jersey aprueba mayor protección contra corte de servicios públicos
El gobernador de New Jersey aprueba mayor protección contra corte de servicios públicos
Virus specialists look at the future of COVID transmission
Virus specialists look at the future of COVID transmission
Congress cancels future COVID protection for the American people
The United States is in for a world of hurt very soon. “This week, Congress nixed $15 billion in coronavirus funding from a $1.5 trillion spending bill, which President Joe Biden then signed on Tuesday. The decision is catastrophic, and as the White House has noted, its consequences will unfurl quickly. Next week, the government will have to cut shipments of monoclonal-antibody treatments by a third. In April, it will no longer be able to reimburse health-care providers for testing, vaccinating, or treating millions of uninsured Americans, who are disproportionately likely to be unvaccinated and infected. Come June, it won’t be able to support domestic testing manufacturers. It can’t buy extra doses of antiviral pills or infection-preventing treatments that immunocompromised people are banking on but were already struggling to get. It will need to scale back its efforts to improve vaccination rates in poor countries, which increases the odds that dangerous new variants will arise. If such variants arise, they’ll likely catch the U.S. off guard, because surveillance networks will have to be scaled back too. Should people need further booster shots, the government won’t have enough for everyone.”
Elizabeth Warren wants to stop water from being traded for profit
Access to clean and affordable water is a basic human right and must be protected
Washington, D.C. — Today, Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) led a bicameral group of colleagues in introducing the Future of Water Act to amend the Commodity Exchange Act to prohibit futures trading of water or water rights and protect our country’s water. Water is a basic human right that must be managed and protected as a public trust resource.
As climate change has increased the severity and frequency of drought in our country, large corporations should not be profiting off of water or water rights. Water should be affordable, easily accessible, and guarded from markets prone to manipulation and speculation that could cause real-world price increases. The announcement of the water futures trading received condemnation from the global water community, including the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Water who stated: “Water is already under extreme threat from a growing population, increasing demands and grave pollution from agriculture and mining industry in the context of worsening impact of climate change. . . I am very concerned that water is now being treated as gold, oil and other commodities that are traded on Wall Street futures markets.”
The neighbor lost to COVID is my neighbor – and yours
The neighbor lost to COVID is my neighbor – and yours: For Whom The Bell Tolls
EJ in Newark and globally: panel discussion January 11
On Tuesday, 11 January 2022 from 7:00-9:00pm a panel discussion will be held via Zoom as a joint initiative of The Wei LLC’s EJ Chat Series, Diversity United and Ahavas Sholom Jewish Congregation on ways that residents of Newark, New Jersey and communities around the globe are being impacted by environmental justice issues which affect their health, lifestyles and economic well-being. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a live question and answer session following the panel, which will be led by Kimi Wei.
Act now to support the Liberty State Park Protection Act
Act now to protect the open space and wildlife habitat areas of Liberty State Park with the LSP Protection Act currently making its way through the New Jersey Legislature.
New Jersey is offering free mini-courses to upgrade work skills
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development has launched SkillUp New Jersey to help recently laid-off residents prepare to get back to work. SkillUp New Jersey can help workers planning to return to a former employer and also people looking to change jobs. The program offers free and unlimited access to more than 5,000 high-quality online training courses valued by many Fortune 500 companies. View a 1-minute video overview of the SkillUp New Jersey program.
The SkillUp New Jersey Program can help you acquire new skills, enhance existing skills, explore new career paths, or prepare for certification training through a web-based learning management system. The free platform offers thousands of courses covering a variety of business skills, career topics, and helps to prepare you for industry certifications.