Does Disney World have sovereign nation status?

Disney World

Disney WorldWhat’s the status of Disney World relative to United States law? If it exists outside the law and is “detached from” the State of Florida, is Disney World a sovereign nation or …. or, what?

This and other issues are explored in National Geographic’s brilliant article on the entertainment empire:

Disney’s new empire in central Florida would be marketed as Disney World. Its official name was, and remains, the Reedy Creek Improvement District. Thanks to a sweetheart deal with the state legislature, the lands Disney purchased were detached from the rest of Florida to form a Magic Kingdom, above and outside the law. Even now, Disney World’s rides are exempt from state safety inspections. Democratic process is excluded, too. Power remains in the hands of a board of supervisors composed of Disney allies. However much you pay for a time-share condo in Disney World, you cannot buy property outright, and therefore establish official residence, and therefore vote for the board. Celebration, Disney’s residential community themed to evoke pre-1940s small-town America, has a city hall but no actual municipal government. read more