Facebook hacked – phishing scam prompts you to enter password to seize control of your account

I woke up in the middle of the night and naturally, checked Facebook before turning over in my bed to go back to sleep. Because that’s what everybody does, right?

A notice to re-enter my password popped onto my screen. This happens sometimes, so I re-entered my Facebook password. Must have entered it wrong, I thought, because the notice popped up again. Annoying – this time I know I entered it right.

So I hit the back key and became instantly suspicious. My Facebook connection was working fine. Uh oh. I probably just gave my password to some hackers. What looked like a password prompt was probably phishers looking to secure my account. I knew what was coming next: read more

I live under a rock. Didn’t know Facebook bought Instagram.

facebook money
Credit: TBreak
I knew about FriendFeed. I know about WhatsApp. Causes. But I didn’t have even an inkling that Facebook also owns Instagram. Whoa, I feel dumb. I kinda like Instagram, but what I don’t like is giving Facebook any more information about my life and my preferences than it already harvests (which is a lot – I’m a prolific poster). That’s why I don’t use any of the other FB apps.

Forbes shares a list of 10 Reasons Why Facebook Bought Instagram and Pocket-link tells us what else Facebook owns. read more

Facebook also blocks mention of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders 2016 on TwitterFacebook is 0 for 2 today. Doing a great job suppressing the progressive voice, which is not surprising given its founder is a great friend of conservative darling @corybooker and heavily supports the conservative agenda.

A few minutes ago I reported that Facebook wouldn’t let me share news about Newark’s new civilian police review board. Now they won’t let me share a Bernie Sanders quote either…

Most Americans, their reality is that they’re working longer hours and for lower wages ~ Bernie Sanders read more

Hungry for privacy? Facebook de-friending won’t even get you close

You are being tracked
I’ve been really thinking about a Facebook friend’s earlier post, saying she feels exposed by having 822 friends and will start deleting some in order to get more privacy. I just had to reply to the privacy issue and afterwards, realized that my assertions needed to be backed up by reliable data. “I must say,” I commented to my friend, “I find it strange that you would play a game on Facebook or post anything here and voice concerns about privacy,” and followed that with my first information point: “Facebook sells your data to game creators – this is a well-known fact.” read more

Did Facebook illegally try to depress users?

Facebook manipulationI learned today that Facebook is under an FCC consent decree that will last 20 years (until 2032) to protect user’s privacy. Also that privacy advocacy group EPIC has filed a formal complaint against Facebook for violating it. Facebook recently attempted to influence the mood of 700,000 users by filtering posts in their News Feeds to show either more good or more bad news, and then monitored individual users’ posts for words known to reflect emotional state. This was a research project that involved Cornell University but users were not informed that it was taking place. read more

Get notifications of Facebook friends & pages you like

Click on get notifications

Facebook doesn’t automatically show you notifications when a post is made by a friend or on a Page you like. You have to take action to see them. It’s a simple procedure, though:

  • Visit the Page you want to receive notifications from
  • Hover over the like button, and click on it. You must like a Page or person to get their notifications. Hover over like button
  • Continue hovering. A drop-down menu will pop up. Click on “Get Notifications”. Screen shot 2013-03-25 at 11.00.16 AM
  • When the checkmark appears next to “Get Notifications”, you’ll receive that person’s – or Page’s – notifications. Checkmark appears
  • This also works when you mouseover the name of a person or Page in a comment

    Screen shot 2013-03-25 at 10.29.33 AM read more

  • Social-media-users-should-leverage-our-own-power

    I am beyond disturbed that much greater resources are being spent on finding ways to “leverage” the power of the internet to exploit users, than we users are investing to find how we can harness our own power to use for our own good. This makes no sense when you consider what leverage means: to use a small object and a small amount of force to control a more massive object. In this analogy, the small force are the exploiters, the small tool is social media and the massive object represents the vast base of social media users: us. read more

    Block Facebook invites (without unfriending people)

    When I create an event on FB it’s easiest for me to just invite everyone, but two friends messaged me today asking to be removed from my announcement list. They live far from me and aren’t going to attend any of my events. I found a really easy solution from CIO.com that requires my friends to take action, but it should work great. How to block annoying Facebook invitations without blocking your friends.

    Log into your Facebook account and choose “Privacy Settings” from the drop-down menu at the top. Next, click “Manage Blocking” next to the last option, “Blocked People and Apps.” This will bring you to the settings page for adding friends to your restricted list and blocking Facebook users, as well as blocking app and event invites. read more