NJEDA announces launch dates to apply for grants for businesses impacted by COVID-19
Sandy recovery – get & give help
General government-based assistance
- Legal hotline for NJ residents needing legal assistance after #Sandy.
1-888-541-1900 or probono_public_service/ls_pb_hurricane_sandy_fema_new_jersey.authcheckdam.pdf - A special Federal Government website is set up to process Sandy requests http://www.disasterassistance.gov. It consolidates the application process across several Federal agencies, including FEMA and the Small Business Administration and reduces the number of forms applicants will need to fill out and you can check the progress of your applications online. You can also apply at
- 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362) or fema.gov
- via smartphone at m.fema.gov
- Speech disability or hearing loss
TTY 1-800-462-7585
711 or Video Relay Service (VRS) 1-800-621-3362
Financial assistance and grants
- Look into applying for a Lion Clubs International direct grant or see what your local club has to offer.
- FEMA assistance and how to apply
5. Operation Hope
Financial dignity nonprofit Operation HOPE offers financial triage, financial recovery and free consultation services for individuals and small business owners impacted by Hurricane Sandy. More information here6. Disaster SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Information (aka Foodstamps)
SNAP Handbook Guide
b. D-SNAP Toolkit: SNAP Guidance Toolkit.pdfHealth issues
The New Jersey Department of Health has public health experts available through the state’s 2-1-1 system to answer questions about food and water safety and mold removal. To reach public health experts, call 211 or 1-866-234-0964, or visit them online at nj211.org. Experts are available 8am-8pm weekdays and 10am-5pm weekends. More than 800 New Jersey residents have called the Department of Health hotline seeking help with food and drinking water safety, mold removal and prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning. The 211 number is open for general enquiries 24/7.
General help
- Lists of shelters, food pantries and soup kitchens at: nj211.org/hurricane.cfm
- FEMA Diaster Assistance Q&A Video
- Find a “>Red Cross shelter
1-800-RED-CROSS or app.redcross.org/nss-app/ - National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)
- http://www.nvoad.org/
State of New Jersey VOAD Contact: Cathy McCann, Chair cmccann@njfoodbank.org
Community Food Bank of NJ
31 Evans Terminal Road, Hillside, NJ 07205 - State of New York VOAD Contact: Joann Hale, Interim Chair chair@nyvoad.org
Church World Service
La Casa de Don Pedro
75 Park Avenue, Newark, New Jersey 07104
If you would like to report on additional resources available or any immediate needs that you observe, please send us an email or call us at 973.482.8312Collection Drives & Distribution Centers
Please check that organizations are still taking in donations before you drop anything off. Always check before bringing furniture or other large items to the collection center
Urban League of Essex County is collecting food donations & needs volunteers to distribute food 973-624-9535 508 Central Ave http://t.co/5Uwg0IHM
Collection at Fire Hose Company 1, 63 Mount Vernon Street, Ridgefield ParkNov 2-4 Friday & Saturday 10-4 Sunday 10-2. If you need something in particular, please contact Sarah Mielnicki by email or by private message on Facebook and she will look out for it.
La Casa de Don Pedro in Newark
Maple Avenue School is a drop-off and distribution center. Emaildouglasfreeman@zaztek.com
- http://www.nvoad.org/
or Text “Shelter + Your Zip code” to 4332.