Teen acts quickly and subtly to save woman from kidnapper

Malyk Bonnet with Laval Police
(Laval Police foto)
Feeling that a woman he observed was in danger, teen Malyk Bonnet offered to buy bus tickets and then lunch for the woman and her kidnapper – a former boyfriend the police were already looking for. Acting like a friendly guy with time on his hands and some money to burn, Bonnet stayed close to the couple until he could phone the police, who arrived tout suite and arrested the guy.

Bonnet undoubtedly saved the woman from physical harm and perhaps, even death. Bonnet is a hero, and Twitter loves him!Here’s what the Laval, Quebec police say: read more

Make battle for Newark Public Schools visible with #saveNPS hashtag!


#saveNPSThese days, every important cause needs a hashtag to be visible in the world of social media, and with the Christie administration announcing its intention to close 15 more schools in Newark as the next step in its attack on public education in urban communities, cause visibility is greatly needed.

A hashtag is the # symbol when it’s used in tweets or Facebook posts. Short hashtags are great because Twitter gives you only 140 characters to express whatever you want to say. #saveNPS is not actively being used for any other campaign, so how grabbing it for the Save Newark Public Schools Campaign? read more