Ayad Jamal Al-Din beautifully tells why peace will come from separating state from religion

Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 5.16.49 PMIn this TV debate, the compassion of Former Iraqi MP Ayad Jamal Al-Din for his fellow man and the true Muslim faith shine through wonderfully. The historical and religious points with which Mr. Al-Din elucidates his reasons for believing that government must remain separate from religion, are compelling and strangely beautiful. I found myself crying with the emotion of hearing this good man express his abiding love and respect for all persons.

Ayad Jamal Al-Din on defeating ISISIn the next clip, Mr. Al-Din explains why Muslims must choose between the extremism of ISIS and the peaceful alternative lifestyle offered by modern secular, civil governments that serve all people equally and call for the violent deaths of no one. God bless, Mr. Al-Din. read more