Swayze dancing with his wife Niemi is a treat to watch

Patrick Swayze in Ghost
Swayze & WhoopiPatrick Swayze has a special place in my heart for helping me mourn the passing of my firstborn’s father through his performance in Ghost. I had not thought of Swayze as a dancer, although now I’ve learned that he was the lead in both Dirty Dancing and Broadway’s Grease.

Swayze’s biography.com video tells that early in his life, Swayze almost lost his leg to a tooth staph infection that dispersed throughout his body and lodged in his knee – which almost needed to be amputed. read more

Trayvon’s killer won’t suffer – he lacks a conscience & has money

zimmerman smirk

zimmerman smirkEverybody wants to believe GZ will suffer. Pffff. If smirky George had a conscience, this might be true. If he wasn’t getting his legal expenses paid by private donations, this might be true. But now he’s got money, is nuts, arrogant, self-deceiving and self-aggrandizing. His wife is a lady willing to perjure herself for personal gain. And, George has presently situated himself outside of the US where he might experience trouble, in a secret overseas location where he must feel safe. read more