Hat tip to Theresa Lam for the nice share
Friend wisdom on morality
Don’t let ambition control the direction of your moral compass.
— Eric Sheninger (@E_Sheninger) December 9, 2015
Thanks Ivan Wei for the share
$218 round trip airfare Newark to San Juan
If you need a vacation, check out the $218 round trip airfare from Newark to San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Father, son & now grandson: 30 years of annual fotos in China
The Daily Mail shows selections from this series of yearly shots of a father and son, with commentary:
A beautiful series of photographs have shown the unbreakable bond between a father and son in China.
Father Tian Jun, 56, and son Tian Li, 29, have posed for the same photograph every year for nearly three decades, since Li was born in 1986.
The incredible pictures capture how Li, who is now a film director, has grown over the years from baby to adult.
Woman keeps her bogged horse from being swallowed up for 3 hours
What a great story 🙂
Reported in http://www.news.com.au/national/astrooo-fight-against-the-sadness/story
Viral! Foto of breastfeeding military moms in uniform

Photographer Tara Ruby share a photo of military moms in uniform breastfeeding their kids on Facebook and it’s gone viral even though Facebook deleted it from her page the first time Tara posted it. When she reposted, here’s what Tara said:
I posted this on here last night at 11:59pm. It has since disappeared from my feed and my wall. So we are posting this here again. 🙂
Today I believe we made history. To my knowledge a group photo to show support of active duty military mommies nursing their little’s has never been done. It is so nice to see support for this here at Fort Bliss.
People from age 7 to 93 give advice to their younger selves
Wiretap, a CBC radio show that’s just ending after an eleven year run, produced this short video as a gift to its listeners. In “Aging Gracefully”, a series of progressively older folk give advice to the people they were … not long ago.
A 93 year old advises his younger self, “Don’t listen to other people’s advice. Nobody knows what the hell they’re doing.”
Although they’re going off the air, WireTapWiretap is keeping its Facebook page open, so check it out.
Spectacular use of tech: drone film of LA visual treasures
Filmmaker and drone flyer Ian Wood has put together a beautiful video of visual treasures in downtown LA, well worthy of the 5 minute viewing time with a rocking blues soundtrack that makes it a fun watch.
People, this is a good use of drone technology – spreading wonder, enjoyment … celebrating culture and sense of place – and showing that aerial photography is within reach of the average Joe. Wood’s video comes with a companion map of locations he filmed.
Thanks for the heads up Curbed LA and friend Leen de Weerd Mosley.
Beautiful President Carter has cancer. Much love.
The New York Times reports on 90 year old President Jimmy Carter’s announcement that he has liver cancer, “that is now in other parts of my body.”
President Obama offers these words of hope:
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rosalynn and the entire Carter family as they face this challenge with the same grace and determination that they have shown so many times before. Jimmy, you’re as resilient as they come, and along with the rest of America, we are rooting for you.”
Get what you need: ask, release and focus on gratitude

Need keeps you stuck
As long as you need something, you will not have it. The energy of your need pushes away the reality of whatever you seek.
Instead of focusing on what you need, focus on what you have. Because somewhere in whatever you have is the pathway to whatever you desire.
That’s why gratitude is so empowering. Gratitude shines a bright light on your resources and possibilities, and enables you to make good use of them.
Focus on what you have, and on what you can do. No matter what you seek, no matter how far away it may seem, there is something you can do right now to move yourself closer.
Bernie Sanders’ use of tech is way ahead of the pack
Friend Tom Elliot says:
You should check out Bernie’s 404 page error message on his website. Just go there and tag onto the address a page you know couldn’t be there. I did berniesanders.com/hillary (clicking on that link will bring you to a web page with the 404 page not found error message). I’m beginning to see him as a real sleeper, probably the only true populist in the race.
Bill Benzon writes rocking tribute to B.B. King
My friend Bill Benzon writes a sweet tribute to B.B. King on his New Savanna blog. Bill plays trumpet and in the 80s, once opened for The King in an Albany venue.
My memories of the Albany gig are a bit richer. To be sure, as I recall, King’s music was better at that SPAC gig, for the music comes and goes even with the best of them. Our manager (and saxophonist) Ken Drumm had seen to it that King had champagne waiting for him when he arrived in his dressing room and that got us an opportunity to meet him after the gig. But we had to line up with everyone else – mostly middle-aged ladies in big hats and Sunday dresses – and wait our turn. We didn’t have more than a minute, if that, in the man’s presence.
Get your mornings and your life under control – like the big guns do
World Economic Forum reports on the morning habits of 12 highly successful people. I especially like this one.
Andrew Yang, CEO of Venture for America, keeps his a.m. routine simple.
The first Yang does when he wakes up? Push the dog off him.
Next he’ll check on his wife and son. If his son is awake, he’ll spend time with him before heading to the office. If not, he hits the gym.
If he needs an a.m. pick-me-up, he’ll open a memo file on his phone and record three things he is thankful for. “The things I’ve typed on other days are still there,” he says. “It’s a long list. Always helps.”
German mom tells Israeli HS students at Auschwitz “You are not alone”
A German mom says to Israeli HS students visiting Auschwitz “I want you to know you are not alone,” & hands out to each of them, heart stickers to symbolically replace the yellow stars that Nazis used to identify Jews for restricting their movements in Europe and to tag them for murder.
Auschwitz was one of the detention camps where Jews were made to live in isolation from the rest of European society during the Nazi Holocaust without adequate food, shelter, clothing or healthcare. Jews not able to serve Hitler as laborers – women, children, the elderly and infirm – were immediately put to death. At least 6 million Jews and as many as 20 million civilians overall were killed by Hitler during the Holocaust.
Uptown Funk is good! – in both original & viola flavors
Uptown Funk song & video are just plain good. And Brother Jeremy Green does it up nice on viola too. Here’s the original by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars.
But for now to see Jeremy Green’s version on viola, you need to visit I Love Being Black’s Facebook Page: