For the most reliable weather reports use Wunderground.
Why are their weather reports so good? Easy. They download directly from the US National Weather Service and display the information without changing it. Try it, you’ll like it!
For the most reliable weather reports use Wunderground.
Why are their weather reports so good? Easy. They download directly from the US National Weather Service and display the information without changing it. Try it, you’ll like it!
If I weren’t a publicly declared greenie, and I were rich, I could probably pilot one of Terrafugia’s flying cars when they hit the airways about two years from now. Hmmmm, two years! Gives me plenty of time to think this through … must be some way to make flying a car sound environmentally friendly and get rich at the same time …
The loving and wonderfully talented young performers from Watoto from the Nile have produced a hauntingly beautiful song they call “Warning”. In their music video, the young people follow in the wake of Trayvon’s fateful footsteps as he walks to the 7-11, singing –
… Watoto here with a Warning … right now our Nation’s in mourning. Oh Martin Family, we’re with you … I put my hoodie oh I weeping … because this case is so misleading. We come together we must care … Trayvon Martin your spirit is in all of us.
A few years back I had a painful bout of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Several occupational therapy sessions plus using two types of gliding exercises the therapist provided helped to reduce pain and restore strength in my hand: the exercises are shown in the pictures below, along with instructions. The CTS gradually faded away as I used the exercises, kept my wrist straight at night by resting my hand and forearm on a pillow while sleeping, and shed quite a few pounds (I had given up smoking and become enormously fat afterwards).
I hope you enjoy this extraordinary essay by gifted writer, thinker and egalitarian, Peggy McIntosh as much as I do. For your downloading pleasure, here’s a condensed list of 50 ways white privilege is experienced in America (thanks for the link Helen Tinsley!).
Through work to bring materials from women’s studies into the rest of the curriculum, I have often noticed men’s unwillingness to grant that they are overprivileged, even though they may grant that women are disadvantaged. They may say they will work to women’s status, in the society, the university, or the curriculum, but they can’t or won’t support the idea of lessening men’s. Denials that amount to taboos surround the subject of advantages that men gain from women’s disadvantages. These denials protect male privilege from being fully acknowledged, lessened, or ended.
I am honored by the opportunity to display this message on my website. Rev. Dr. William Barber II shares the historical time line of Black and ethnic minority acquisition of the rights to vote, to have equality in housing and economic opportunities and reminds us, “If there was ever a time to vote that time is NOW.”
It’s definitely time to start a proper word usage list. I just spotted the third statement about “peek interest” made by a college educated person. This is going to be a running list. I’ll add to it when I spot anything new that belongs here. If you have a suggestion, put in the Talkback section and I’ll add it.
Pique Something may pique your interest, but it cannot peek or peak it.
Apostrophes (‘) – words should only have them to show possession or when the word is a contraction, like can’t or don’t. Plurals don’t get apostrophes. Let’s make a concerted effort not to misplace this bit of punctuation . . because understanding each other is important.
Resources: Apostrophe Catastrophe, Wikibooks
Watch the TED Talk with me: Aimee Mullins, the designer of Cheetah running legs, herself a legless woman, talks about combining form, function and value – and of the power of believing and unifying. Aimee’s an athlete, an activist, a woman’s advocate, a sports record-breaker and a completely awesome lady.
Amy quotes Shakespeare, “When you prick me, do I not bleed; and when you tickle me, do I not laugh?” and adds, “It is the humanity within us that makes us beautiful … Whimsy matters.”
“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea”
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Si quieres construir un barco, no empieces por buscar madera, ni por cortar tablas o distribuir el trabajo… primero has de evocar en los hombres el anhelo de mar libre y ancho”
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Here’s a compendium of the kind of deep quotes we love from the Dalai Lama (whom we also love). This is just a small sampling of what you’ll find there.
Today, the Supreme Court justices announced through the SCOTUS blog that Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) is constitutional and will be upheld as US law. The court’s decision hinged on the question of whether Congress has the power to force people to buy anything and was upheld on the basis that the government has the free right to impose taxes, and Obamacare (as the act is popularly known), does just that. The victory provides another shining example of how brilliant the president’s team is. Despite aggressive push-back from conservatives opposing the law, the legislation drafted by the White House team does what most of the people of the United States want it to do: it uses the constitution to protect and help its citizens. This is a true victory for America and a great day in Kimilandia.
In this short video, Tyler Perry shares with us his personal formula for success. His message is direct, sincere and inspiring. So pay close attention.
When I’ve been praying for something happens and my prayers are suddenly answered in the most offbeat way imaginable, I see the breath of G-d moving through my life. That was the case yesterday. Rachel Wieland posted that she was headed to the city to watch a screening of The Happy Movie yesterday on World Happy Day. Wow! This sounded like a fabulous idea so I dived onto the site to look for place to see it with my sons Ivan and Ari.
This was around 3pm. I found one screening in New Jersey and two in New York which had taken place at 11am yesterday morning and one way up in New York State and then one more – in Astoria, Queens at a social club, which was scheduled for 5pm. If the boys made it home early enough from Chinese school, we could just make it! So I loaded up my EZpass card, took a shower, got ready and when their ride pulled up I ran downstairs and told them to come on, we were going to see this crazy movie about happiness. I knew Ari wouldn’t want to go because he’s a high school junior and wants to do as little as possible with his family. It surprised me that Ivan didn’t want to go either. So I pulled the mother card out of my pocket and checked. Yep, it still says, Mom has the last word – I showed it to my sons and we headed to the car and New York City. On the way, we grabbed some Wendy’s for the boys. It was dinner time and they were hungry!