Source: imgflip.comThe Southern Poverty Law Center reports on the results of a casual survey administered online by Teaching Tolerance about the current presidential election. About 2000 teachers responded and submitted 5000 comments.
Students who identify with Trump’s hate rhetoric are using it to justify bullying behaviour, persecution of certain students and threats … while immigrant and ethnic minority students across the country are voicing fear, expressing thoughts of suicide and having meltdowns in more
This story should be unbelievable: a Chinese mom’s visit to a Queens Dunkin Donut this Monday past crazily took on a nightmarish quality. Before leaving the store, Peiyin Shih and her one year old son’s nanny had received abusive treatment from an employee and when Ms. Shih began filming his bizarre behaviour on her phone another customer approached her menacingly (that’s the guy shown with the crazy expression) and threatened to pull away her phone and throw it out the window.
Ms. Shih feared for the safety of her little family group and afterwards, wrote to Dunkin Donuts about the incident. I can’t find her post on the Dunkin Donuts Facebook page, so I guess it’s been removed but you can see that there is no suppressing this story. It’s well on its way to going viral with over 19K responses, 12341 shares and 3.9K comments already. Plus, the story has been picked up by the social stratosphere and news outlets in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Asian-American press. Here’s an interview incorporating bits of Ms. Shih’s more
Source: LadyColette Pichon Battle returned to Louisiana to help the community members who had bought fish dinners cooked by her family members in order to pay the fees that helped her become an attorney … and stayed. Pichon Battle gave up her DC career to establish the non-profit Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy, that helps with a variety of life and legal issues that confront people rebuilding their lives in the wake of Katrina and the burden of generations of endemic poverty and environmental justice more
In a 2014 article, WaPo’s Emily Badger interviews Kristof on the topic of systemic racism: how it affects its victims and why it’s so difficult for white Americans to see that their advantages cause other people to be disadvantaged. read more
Source: via the ACLUNew Jersey Police Chief Benjamin Fox was suspended on 22 March 2016 for the statements made in a 2014 email to his staff which specifically – and in precise language – instructs Wyckoff officers to continue to “check out suspicious black people in white neighborhoods.”
But Fox claims that his statements aren’t racist and don’t promote racial profiling. Read the article, let me know what you think.
Source: campaign photoMichael Powell of the New York Times totally kicks butt in this scathing 2014 report on former Newark mayor Cory Booker, whom Powell comes just short of actually calling a circus barker. The short article is worth reading in its entirety but I especially loved these little treasures:
Cory A. Booker talks of his adopted city of Newark as if it were his very own Wild West … This makes for excellent commencement speech fodder … But a recent state audit underlines that the former mayor might have paid more attention to the prosaic business of running his city. Instead of shoveling driveways — he loved on snowy days to run about Newark with his shovel — he could have attended a meeting, just one, of his Newark Watershed Conservation and Development more
Source: YouTube via newsmax.comMy Hillary-supporting friends think I’m nuts for talking about how the Clintons have helped to destroy life for millions of Americans. In the process, they’ve helped destroy our economy and take “liberal” out of the Democratic Party’s philosophy. They’re a 2-man wrecking team. The not exactly-amusing (’cause it’s too real) post The Problem With Hillary, Chez, Is I Don’t Vote Republican gives “25 pretty good reasons why we Democrats don’t vote for Republicans,” and asks the darn good question: “…why would we vote for Hillary Clinton, the Rockefeller Republican who exemplifies every one of those 25 statements?read more
Source: YouTube Video Hillary Clinton in Black HistoryVery informative and disturbing video shows the positions Hillary Clinton has taken on issues that severely impact black communities. Or as curator Jeanette Johnson-Jing puts it: A summary of Hillary Clinton’s role in the recent history of African Americans…One viewer commented:
This is a most powerful piece. Before I knew it, the tears began rolling: they have to be “brought to heel”: the repetition and visuals… OMG!?
Sometimes I ask myself why black people would support this woman … it seems such a mystery in light of all that she and her husband have done to hurt the community. I guess the Clintons with their pretty talk and powerful rhetoric have convinced black and brown supporters to play blame the victim with them – as if doing so were a game rather than the destruction of hopes, dreams, lives and more
Source: Library of Congress collection of Ansel Adams’ Japanese internment camp photos, 1943
110,000 Japanese American citizens, some of them US military personnel, were detained in detention camps during the WWII. In 1943, Ansel Adams documented the lives of Japanese living in the Manzanar War Relocation Camp in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Adams donated the photographs to the Library of Congress in 1965, commenting,
The purpose of my work was to show how these people, suffering under a great injustice, and loss of property, businesses and professions, had overcome the sense of defeat and dispair [sic] by building for themselves a vital community in an arid (but magnificent) environment.”read more
Source: Chicago TribuneThis is fun. Details about Bernie Sanders years as an activist in college, who was invited by a University of Chicago dean to take some time off from studies because his grades suffered from the intense anti-racism activism activities he engaged in.
Bernie began his fight against racism with a housing equity battle in 1961: a group of students learned that the university did not rent off-campus apartments it owned to black students and formed a coalition to change that, which Bernie Sanders helped lead. A couple of years later, in 1963, Sanders was arrested for protesting segregation at a Chicago South Side school. read more
Source: Carl Manley on FacebookOn Facebook, Carl Manley shared this photo and these very enlightening words:
I’m not trying to tell you who to vote for in the upcoming election, I’m just asking you how many current presidential candidates marched with the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? In 1963 Bernie Sanders Marched With MLK Jr on Washington DC’s “I Have A Dream Speech”. In 1964, Hillary Clinton Campaigned for Sen Goldwater who Promised to Racially Re-Segregate the Nation & Overturn the Civil Rights more
Source: Hillary was the opening speaker at the 2015 NAACP National Convention in Philly last year, and Bill closed out the speaker roster. Were the Clintons there on a freebie basis in order to raise votes for Hillary, or did they get a portion of their customary speaker fees? For Hillary, that’s $225,000 per speech. She earned $9 million from speaking fees in 2013 and since 2001 the couple have netted $153,000,000 (yeah, million) total. At least some of that money came from Goldman Sachs.
Source: unknownHRC’s record makes her not a liberal. None of the Republican candidates have achieved what she colluded with her husband to do: remove millions from welfare and foodstamps without reducing poverty; spend billions building prisons; create the three-strike sentencing system that would send people to prison for many years even if their offenses were small; lock up millions of black and brown men and women. The inmates became an unpaid prison workforce for clever CEOs.
And the prisons were taken over by private corporations that have demanded 80-98% occupancy rates. When occupancy drops, they extort money from the states they’re located in for breach of contract. read more
Source: police photoThis is a series of those completely messed up stories that seem like they can only happen in America. It starts with Marvin Louis Guy. He and his wife became aware that armed intruders were entering their Kileen, Texas home. As they were gun owners, the Guys took the logical step of shooting these dangerous men, killing one of them. But ooops, it turned out that the intruders were police staging a “no-knock” raid on the Guy’s home – where by the way no drugs or any thing illegal, was found. read more
Source: Screenshot of Daily News article header on 297 Nuisance Abatement victims
A morally questionable rule is being used by the NYPD to harass over 1000 tenants a year and boot several hundred out of their homes, sometimes permanently – without providing victims of this heavy-handed practice with immediate opportunity to enter an enquiry or response to the action in a courtroom and with almost no legal protection and few redress options ever being made available. Pro-Publica shares one woman’s story.
New York City resident Ms. Jameela El-Shabazz became the victim of a, “nuisance abatement action, a little-known type of lawsuit that gives the city the power to shut down places it claims are being used for illegal purposes. In May when police broke into Ms. El-Shabazz’s apartment and arrested her for criminal possession of cocaine, a court-ordered chemical analysis identified the police-seized powder seized as eggshells. Ms. El-Shabazz uses it in a Nigerian religious ceremony. read more