Thousands of people are being hired for Census work right now. Some special skill jobs pay $50-100K per year and jobs last through September 2020. If you’re a recent college grad, between jobs or just need extra income, check out the opportunities. Applicants can qualify for both field and office positions and some of the special skill jobs are work from home positions.
See pay rates for field and clerical jobs 2020census.gov/jobs/locations/national-map.html.
Learn about qualifications and general Census job opportunities.
Applying for Census work is simple. Visit 2020census/jobs or call 855-JOB-2020 and select option 3 for more information.
For New York and New Jersey opportunities: Send an email with your name, zip code, and phone number(s) to new.york.recruit@census.gov or call 212-584-3495.
Learn about qualifications and general Census job opportunities.
Applying for Census work is simple. Visit 2020census/jobs or call 855-JOB-2020 and select option 3 for more information.
For New York and New Jersey opportunities: Send an email with your name, zip code, and phone number(s) to new.york.recruit@census.gov or call 212-584-3495.
This year, all Census job applications must be filled out online. At Census Job Fairs you can learn about the range of jobs available but you will still need to apply online.