I know you’re going to miss this face as much as I am.
But after watching this clip I’m looking forward to more of Trevor Noah‘s commentary on The Today Show. Not only does Noah come out of South Africa, the land where everyone rides lions and wears leopard skin suits. But he’s got a cool, straight man presence, very subtle and titillating. And Noah’s biracial – a heritage that was impossible during the days of apartheid, not so very long ago. So this should be a fun adventure.
The New York Times quotes Michele Ganeless, Comedy Central president: “We talked to women. We talked to men. We found in Trevor the best person for the job,” and added, “You don’t hope to find the next Jon Stewart — there is no next Jon Stewart. So, our goal was to find someone who brings something really exciting and new and different.”
Best of luck to you, Jon! However you reinvent yourself, I hope you enjoy it as much as America has enjoyed you as Today Show host these past 16 years.
Jon Stewart is irreplaceable but Trevor Noah will be a fun successor. Wishing the best to both of them.