Coca-Cola Mexico has not only been motivated to pull an ad promotiong colonialism and their unhealthy soft drinks, but indigenous rights and health activists in one of the most obese nations in the world also want the Mexican government to sanction the company for promoting the racist concept that indigenous culture is something shameful and outmoded that needs to be replaced. The ad’s activity takes place in the Totontepec Villa of Morelos, a Mixe community in Oaxaca, México. Nation of Change writes:
Kmart’s Joe Boxer ad may be in poor taste. Is it also racist?
Katie McDonough of Salon dislikes Kmart’s Joe Boxer male underwear ad #showyourjoe because it’s too overtly sexual for her taste, and she wonders about metal testicles. The booty shaking didn’t bother me – most popular musicals have way more spice in their dance routines.
When I watched the 1 minute commercial, what I noticed was that the only dude with speaking lines and the guy with the most shakes, was the single Black man out of a field of 6. Naturally, I asked myself – is this commercial racist? I’d love to know what you think.