America responds resoundingly to Bernie Sanders’ anger & honesty in Dem Debate

CNN Politics poll results
Source: CNN Politics Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015
Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015[/caption]Did you notice in the Dem debate that all of the candidates (except O’Malley, who seems immutable) were trying to be more human – even Hillary, who failed miserably (because she’s a bot and has serious barriers to displaying emotion thanks to her botox cheeks and varnished hair). This is all because of Bernie Sanders, who has single-handledly managed to re-introduce humanity and compassion back into the American political dialogue.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says read more

Bernie Sanders campaign resources & activities for POC & allies in NNJ

Bernie Sanders 2016This is a list of Bernie Sanders campaign activities and organizing tools for People of Color and allies in northern New Jersey (NNJ). It will be updated as resources and information become available. Please post your own addition as a comment and I’ll move entries to the main list as appropriate.

The Bernie Sanders for President is a decentralized campaign at this point. This means we should take a DIY approach and support each other’s activities locally. The national office has only a handful of paid staff dealing with people around the country, formulating the campaign strategy, pushing out messaging and physically supporting Sanders’s appearances. read more