Betraying progressive politics to court corporate dollars is what has made Clintons the Dem Party favorites

people before profits
Source: National People’s Action/flickr via
Fred Toledo shared this article on Facebook. He commented, “This is the sad, sorry and corrupt state of a party that once stood as the champion of the working class, the poor, the disenfranchised and the marginalized,” and shared excerpts from Bill Moyer and Michael Winship’s article on Wasserman Schultz:

Yet when the CFPB was drawing up new rules to make it harder for payday predators to feast on the poor, Rep. Wasserman Schultz co-sponsored a bill to delay those new rules by two years. How, you ask, could the head of the party’s national committee embrace such an appalling exploitation of working people? read more

What Bernie & followers face now: thoughtful reporters take a 360º look

candidate didn't win
Source: Suffolk University/USA Today poll
Record reporters Herb Jackson & Christopher Maag take a look at the choices facing Bernie Sanders and his supporters following big end of primary season losses in delegate-heavy states California and New Jersey. I’m quoted in the article:

But some Sanders supporters in New Jersey say they are sticking with him.

“I’ve been a loyal Democrat all my life, but at this point, I’ll tell you the truth, I may resign from the Democratic Party after this election,” said Kim Wei of Fair Lawn, who with her son, Ivan, was on the ballot as a Sanders delegate. read more

Errr, Dems: campaign means promote our candidates, not theirs

Dem doorhangers featuring GOP candidates

gop candidates promoted by demsAnother reason progressives lose: we’re morons at candidate promotion. Constantly naming the oppositions’ candidates and pasting photos of them all over the media is not a winning strategy.

Stop helping the other team give their candidates face time and views. Just freakin’ stop. Door hangers featuring GOP candidates belong in the Dem HQ recycling bins.