Executive Director Hillel C. Neuer writes about the three lies:
Executive Director Hillel C. Neuer writes about the three lies:
Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that”. For Syrian refugees, these are very dark days indeed. Driven from their country by a brutal war fueled by regional and sectarian ambitions, displaced Syrians find themselves thrown into a world where the environment has over the past year become increasingly hostile towards refugees and asylum seekers.
But while wars and conflicts tend to bring out the very worst in human beings, dark days such as these have also given rise to amazing acts of compassion and humanity. Turned away from Arab countries, increasingly unwelcome in Europe, Syrian refugees have found support, aid and assistance from the last place they could have expected; Israeli and Jewish organizations and individuals.
But here’s a report from Israeli news outlet Haaretz, which quotes the Financial Times, saying that contrary to many false reports, Israel is supporting the fight against ISIS by buying oil from Kurds, who are fighting that Muslim extremist group:
There are not only Jews in Uganda, but they dance, sing, are farmers and land stewards.
The Abayudaya Jewish Community of Uganda and Israeli artist Irene Orleansky partnered to create “Shalom, Mirembe!” as part of a music collection from Israelites and Jews of Africa and Asia. For more information and to purchase the CD visit ireneorleansky.com. The participating Jewish communities receive all proceeds from CD sales.
In Israel, Jewish families and children are being stabbed in hate crimes. Yesterday, almost-13 year old Naor Shalev ben Rut was stabbed several times and now fights to retain his hold on life. Yet instead of call for an end to Arab violence, the UN’s head has called for Israel to leave Arabs alone. The UN is famous for its discrimination against Israel but this is right over the top and seems very like incitement. Major media as usual, has been largely silent on the violence except to criticize Israel for taking steps to protect or stop the knifers but now this might be changing.
I was searching for a graphic depicting the fundamental unfairness of bashing Israel for defending itself against Arab attacks and increasing, global anti-semitism. But Google wouldn’t let me find any of those images: it just let me find images of Israelis unfairly attacking Arabs.
I don’t believe that the poor Arab, ugly Israel propaganda promoted by Big Media is the real truth underlying today’s Middle East conflict. But it’s quite apparent that this is what Google wants people to believe. By skewing search results to feed anti-Israel sentiment, Google is practicing fundamental unfairness and injustice. Shame on you, Google.
When people express a problem with Israel, they are not talking about the many Israeli Arab citizens of the country or the pretty large number of Chinese that now live there. They are talking about Jews. That is why criticism of Israel is criticism of Jews – because when people criticize Israel they are really criticizing Jews, then pretending that is not what they intended to do.