ICE agents are out in huge numbers all over the US and in New Jersey, detaining immigrants

We may feel sometimes that we are trudging through life alone, but this is just an illusion visited upon us by the yetzer hara to make us forget that we are united on Planet Earth as one people. In actuality, we affect each other in so many more ways than we may think and certainly, in many more ways than we can know.
This brilliant under-5-minute video shows how our small acts of kindness are part of the human chain that binds us together and ripples out to multiply the good in each – and in all – of us.
An Argentine media portal published news today of a beautiful and generous act that saved a family from forcible eviction.
In Bahia Blanca, Argentina, a man named Claudio Del Valle bought at foreclosure auction the house of a woman whose family was under order of eviction, and returned it to her.
Silvina Corzo and her two sons were on the verge of homelessness and were very distressed. The Banco de La Pampa had ordered their house at 1647 Enrique Julio to be auctioned off. Seconds after the auctioneer accepted Mr. Claudio Del Valle’s offer of 71 thousand pesos for the property, Mr. Del Valle approached Silvina and told her, “Don’t worry. I purchased the house for you.”
A friend sent me this link to a fascinating and distressing op-ed piece in today’s New York Times on the increasing criminalization of poverty. An excerpt:
“The viciousness of the official animus toward the indigent can be breathtaking. A few years ago, a group called Food Not Bombs started handing out free vegan food to hungry people in public parks around the nation. A number of cities, led by Las Vegas, passed ordinances forbidding the sharing of food with the indigent in public places, and several members of the group were arrested. A federal judge just overturned the anti-sharing law in Orlando, Fla., but the city is appealing. And now Middletown, Conn., is cracking down on food sharing.”