Online privacy advice via The New York Times, Wired and Forbes

MotoX battery life, care & unlimited plans from $5

MotoX batteryThe MotoX is an awesome phone. I’m using and loving it on Republic Wireless’ $25/month unlimited talk, messaging & 3GB plan. You can get unlimited talk & messaging with a $5 wifi only plan too or pay $40 on the unlimited 4G phone network. No contract required for any plan and the MotoX sells for $300 (or get a Defy for $100).

Here are some good tips on how to care for its battery and make sure you get the optimal length of time between charges.

Customers petition Verizon to cut prices

Verizon - get rid of service contracts

Verizon - get rid of service contractsTalk about hard to find! I learned from a Facebook post by Mayor Wayne Smith about 55,000+ customers petitioning Verizon to cut their fees. I looked at the Techyville article but founc no link to the petition. Several Google searches I ran through – web, Google News and a Google power search on the website where the petition is supposed to be, didn’t pull anything up either.

Then I found an article which links to the petition at the end of a post. But then I stumbled across another url that couldn’t be any simpler: just and this is the one I’m sharing. I can’t remember where I found it (oops) but no matter. The point is, you can now navigate to the petition and sign away! read more