Brilliant animation from the African American Policy Forum shows a bunch of different ways People of Color (POC) are handicapped in the “race for success”.
Hat tip to Jonathan Hodges for the great find.
Brilliant animation from the African American Policy Forum shows a bunch of different ways People of Color (POC) are handicapped in the “race for success”.
Hat tip to Jonathan Hodges for the great find.
Fabulous post by Betty Mamzelle on the white privilege of “White Feminism”.
This, in a nutshell, is about how white people feel they own the right to dominate a conversation (or a movement) and tell other people what can and cannot be discussed; who’s in and who’s out; what topics are allowable and which are not; and what’s important v. what is not … and how those beliefs extend to the battleground of feminism.
Even though feminism is supposedly about protecting women from other-abuse, “white feminists” feel perfectly comfortable browbeating or excluding women who don’t fit their concept of what feminism is supposed to be. Betty says,