A couple entering a Lyft driver's car immediately comments how nice it is to see a 'normal, white' driver who 'speaks English' – and are told to get back out.
Dude’s viral post: yes, I am racist – but I’m not evil, I’m just primed for change
It’s a great essay, full of keen insights into both the writer’s mind and the society in which we live. Well worth the read. Here’s an excerpt:

I lived a life marked by opportunity and forgiveness; and while I may not have always had “much,” I have always had the benefit of the doubt.
It is okay for me to admit this. It doesn’t make me evil. It makes me ready for change. This admission took two things: research and honesty. Over the last couple of years, I have read, watched, listened to and participated in countless discussions on the topic coming from a broad range of sources. Through this process I was able to realize the aforementioned realities. Which is great for me, but for purposes of this post, let’s unpack them a little.
I am uncomfortable with racial inequalities that exist in my country.
I live my life day in and day out and only rarely am I forced to confront these realities. Certainly the media, social and otherwise, shine a light on the issue, but that is not what I mean. Reading a powerful blog post or an inspiring tweet does not constitute confronting anything. What I mean is that when I get pulled over, shop in a store, go for a job interview, meet a new person for the first time, etc… I expect to be judged by who I am.
Yes, I am tattooed and bearded so I’m sure that on occasion someone generalizes about me, but I don’t worry about it because I know that once they get to know me they will move beyond those judgements. And I assume that they will eventually get to know me, because even with their judgement, they will give me the benefit of the doubt. I live my life benefiting from other people’s glass walls. That is simply not true for people of color. They are forced to confront it every single day. Perhaps not in an overtly bigoted and hateful way (although I’m sure that happens too), but in the “deficit of the doubt.”
I live my life benefiting from other people’s glass walls. That is simply not true for people of color….
Wonderful and damning indictments point to Clintons racism, destruction of American people & economy

My Hillary-supporting friends think I’m nuts for talking about how the Clintons have helped to destroy life for millions of Americans. In the process, they’ve helped destroy our economy and take “liberal” out of the Democratic Party’s philosophy. They’re a 2-man wrecking team. The not exactly-amusing (’cause it’s too real) post The Problem With Hillary, Chez, Is I Don’t Vote Republican gives “25 pretty good reasons why we Democrats don’t vote for Republicans,” and asks the darn good question: “…why would we vote for Hillary Clinton, the Rockefeller Republican who exemplifies every one of those 25 statements?
This list of 15 Ways Bill Clinton’s White House Failed America and the World is even better – it gives more details and background. I especially like the part where it talks about Bill Clinton’s attack on Sista Souljah:
Political smears: Sistah Souljah. Clinton was highly regarded by African Americans during the 1992 election cycle for his ability to articulate how racism impacted their communities. However, when it mattered most, he dropped the ball on race when it was completely unnecessary. It started when he blasted hop-hop artist Sistah Souljah over her comments in a Washington Post article about the Los Angeles riots, which were sparked by the acquittal of several Los Angeles policemen who beat truck driver Rodney King. “If black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?” she said.
Souljah claims she was misquoted. However, a few weeks later, both she and Clinton spoke at Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition conference in Washington. Clinton used his appearance to criticize her statements, saying, “We can’t get anywhere in this country pointing the finger at one another across racial lines.” He compared her remarks to former KKK wizard David Duke.
As Matt Bai wrote for Yahoo, Clinton was not going to lose black votes by calling the rapper out. Black people were (and still are) hyper loyal to the Democratic Party. But since Clinton is being reflective about his presidency, perhaps he needs to go back to 1992 and rethink why he used his time at the Rainbow Coalition to appeal to a segment of white voters who may have wanted to see him distance himself from Rev. Jackson, still a key leader in the Democratic Party at the time.
Video: Hillary Clinton’s record of racist alliances and real damage to black families

Very informative and disturbing video shows the positions Hillary Clinton has taken on issues that severely impact black communities. Or as curator Jeanette Johnson-Jing puts it: A summary of Hillary Clinton’s role in the recent history of African Americans… One viewer commented:
This is a most powerful piece. Before I knew it, the tears began rolling: they have to be “brought to heel”: the repetition and visuals… OMG!?
Sometimes I ask myself why black people would support this woman … it seems such a mystery in light of all that she and her husband have done to hurt the community. I guess the Clintons with their pretty talk and powerful rhetoric have convinced black and brown supporters to play blame the victim with them – as if doing so were a game rather than the destruction of hopes, dreams, lives and families.
Harry Belafonte endorses Sen. Sanders and asks America to:
…consider and reconsider what it is that Bernie Sanders offers. He offers us a chance to declare unequivocally that there is an America – there is a group of citizens – with a deep caring for where our nation goes and what it does in the process of going.
Amen, Mr. Belafonte
Hat tip to Norm Batchelor for the video find.
Racist Coke ad meant to shame indigenous Mexicans pulled & sanctions sought against company

Coca-Cola Mexico has not only been motivated to pull an ad promotiong colonialism and their unhealthy soft drinks, but indigenous rights and health activists in one of the most obese nations in the world also want the Mexican government to sanction the company for promoting the racist concept that indigenous culture is something shameful and outmoded that needs to be replaced. The ad’s activity takes place in the Totontepec Villa of Morelos, a Mixe community in Oaxaca, México. Nation of Change writes:
…Pablo and other activists said the ad “reproduced and reinforced stereotypes of indigenous people as culturally and racially subordinate,” according to a report in The Guardian, which reported that they have asked the government to sanction the soft drink giant.
The Alliance for Food Health has filed an official complaint with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination. Mexico is one of the most obese nations on the planet and a top consumer of soda—although the nation’s soda tax has seen some progress in reducing sales…
“Fifty years ago, cases of diabetes type 2 in our indigenous communities were rare,” says one person, speaking in the Mixe language. “Now they begin to be an epidemic. In order to remain united, we must preserve our dignity, our health, and our culture. In Oaxaca, we drink tejare, tea and clean water.”
Google maps search for N***** House returned: the White House

It was discovered that when searching for “n***a house” and “n***a king,” Maps returned a surprising location: the White House. A search for “slut’s house” led to an Indiana women’s dorm. Initially, you may have suspected this to be the work of a lone vandal, or even a coordinated campaign. But Google Maps gave racist, degrading results not because it was compromised, but because the internet itself is racist and degrading … It … means that if enough people online refer to a specific place using vile epithets, even one of the most recognizable landmarks in the United States can be reduced to racist garbage.
Footballer Striker has harsh words for SAE Frat

Politics USA posted this transcript:
“You’re the same mother f*ckers telling us racism don’t exist… f*ck you phony-ass, fraud-ass b*tches. I’m so mother f*cking fierce right now, SAE you’ve f*cked it up for all white fraternities. The same mother f*ckers sitting out here giving us hugs … telling us you really love us. F*ck you!”
Kmart’s Joe Boxer ad may be in poor taste. Is it also racist?

Katie McDonough of Salon dislikes Kmart’s Joe Boxer male underwear ad #showyourjoe because it’s too overtly sexual for her taste, and she wonders about metal testicles. The booty shaking didn’t bother me – most popular musicals have way more spice in their dance routines.
When I watched the 1 minute commercial, what I noticed was that the only dude with speaking lines and the guy with the most shakes, was the single Black man out of a field of 6. Naturally, I asked myself – is this commercial racist? I’d love to know what you think.
Racist Mountain Dew goat series commercial pulled

Uggg. I could go on and on about the many fuckeries this commercial promotes but then I would just cry.
Our mutual friend @bryanalexander posted this on Facebook with this note, “Here’s the full Mountain Dew goat commercial series. #3 is the killer. Wow.” And yeah, I found it not only racist, but quite unsettling.
What do you think?