Advice to credit union: Don’t delete SM posts. Get the basics right.

Yelp complaint re First Jersey CU (larger)

I can’t find the complaint I posted on First Jersey Credit Union‘s Facebook page about needing help after trying for months to unsubscribe from USPS mailings but not being able to, so I guess they deleted it. But my post did its job and I got a call from my branch manager today.

Yelp complaint re First Jersey CU (larger)I had already phoned about this issue a couple of times and been told there was nothing anyone could do to help me. I insisted because I’m a greenie and want to save trees and then back in July, one lady gave me the number to their IT vendor and told me to call them for help. I didn’t, though, mostly because I don’t get paid to troubleshoot the CU’s website issues. read more

Customers petition Verizon to cut prices

Verizon - get rid of service contracts

Verizon - get rid of service contractsTalk about hard to find! I learned from a Facebook post by Mayor Wayne Smith about 55,000+ customers petitioning Verizon to cut their fees. I looked at the Techyville article but founc no link to the petition. Several Google searches I ran through – web, Google News and a Google power search on the website where the petition is supposed to be, didn’t pull anything up either.

Then I found an article which links to the petition at the end of a post. But then I stumbled across another url that couldn’t be any simpler: just and this is the one I’m sharing. I can’t remember where I found it (oops) but no matter. The point is, you can now navigate to the petition and sign away! read more