Real-time news with WordPress and RSS Cloud feed

Today a revolution occurred both in the way millions of web users can receive news and news portals and bloggers can push information out to followers and the web. Dave Winer’s RSS Cloud feed makes the information exchange happen in realtime. Today WordPress enabled all of its blogs with the technology.

With the installation of a simple plugin available in your WordPress control panel, your blog can now push content out to the cloud and individual users as fast as you can click, “Post.” In fact, just as fast as Twitter messages go out. The technology used is the same simple RSS used by popular feed aggregators like googlereader, netnewswire and other over the web and computer-resident applications that gather news you’ve subscribed to receive through RSS feeds. read more

Hunger & Charity Now Crimes in the US?

A friend sent me this link to a fascinating and distressing op-ed piece in today’s New York Times on the increasing criminalization of poverty. An excerpt:

“The viciousness of the official animus toward the indigent can be breathtaking. A few years ago, a group called Food Not Bombs started handing out free vegan food to hungry people in public parks around the nation. A number of cities, led by Las Vegas, passed ordinances forbidding the sharing of food with the indigent in public places, and several members of the group were arrested. A federal judge just overturned the anti-sharing law in Orlando, Fla., but the city is appealing. And now Middletown, Conn., is cracking down on food sharing.” read more

Disney: The Plasticizing of America

America has been transformed by marketing magic and a steady trend away from traditional values (a connection with the land, communities where people know and take an interest in their neighbors, respect for wildlife). We’ve assassinated deer populations and replaced their woodland homes with grass-lawned housing developments named Deer Run and Deerfield.

Many of us think of such wordly trends as being inevitable moves due to some nameless, shapeless “progress”. Doesn’t it bear pondering, though, that many of the most formative progressions of modern times have been merely a result of artificially engineered marketing strategies designed to give us the experiences that will make it easiest for corporations to separate the American people from our money and give up our senses of independence, creation and adventure? read more

Many without TV after switch

It seems my family is just one of many with much less access to television since the switch to digital. Bush’s government kept telling us that all we needed to do to continue to watch TV after the switch to digital was buy a converter box with the free government coupon. Well, this wasn’t any more true than some of Mr. Bush’s other stories.

Thanks to President Obama postponing the switch date my family and many others were able to get a digitial converter box in time but that’s the end of the good news in this story. read more

Swing and more at CMDE studio in Hackensack

My favorite Bergen County dance studio offers all kinds of fantastic dance classes for teens and adults (my own family’s make up) and is now offering a swing workshop. Looks fun! Swing is a one-time workshop but my boys and I have taken CMDE’s (free) family Latin dance classes and love them and I took African dance, another completely free class, alone.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Swing Fundamentals with Lisa Skates 4:00-6:00 PM
Ages 16 to Adult
$20.00 Per Person
Sign up by contacting Lisa Skates by phone at 201-694-7087
or email lbskates at optonline dot net
read more

Bush occulted climate change data

Revealed: the secret evidence of global warming Bush tried to hide
Photos from US spy satellites declassified by the Obama White House provide the first graphic images of how the polar ice sheets are retreating in the summer. The effects on the world’s weather, environments and wildlife could be devastating.

Jump to full Guardian article

Woman jailed for noisy sex – what about husband?

This is a bit odd to me. An English woman’s been fined, and now jailed, for noisy sex which included the bed banging into the wall. I can understand why her neighbors don’t want to hear the lady screaming and moaning and having the bed banging when she and her husband get into it.

But what about husband Steve? Why isn’t he being held responsible for any of this?

BBC News article

1-9 Restaurant Closed July ’09

On the way to visit our friend Yin Hoong at the crafts show in Point Pleasant Beach where she was exhibiting yesterday, my family drove past the 1-9 Restaurant in Avenel (in the Edison area). Noticing that the parking lot was empty, we pulled in to see why and found a court order notice posted on the door calling for the place to be turned over to its landlord immediately. The door was locked and the restaurant vacant.

This dimsum spot (lately known as A-K Restaurant) has served my family excellent dishes – and a good sampling of it – on the several occasions we’ve visited and we feel sorry to see it go. read more

The new white flight: Facebook

The new way to prove social superiority is in the social media/Web 2.0 environment. Heaven help us.

Dana Boyd is a social media researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a fellow at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. In 2006-7 her

conversations with high school students began showing a trend of white, upper-class and college-bound teenagers migrating to Facebook . . . Meanwhile, less educated and nonwhite teenagers were on MySpace. Ms. Boyd noted that old-style class arrogance was also in view; the Facebook kids were quicker to use condescending language toward the MySpace users. read more

Shanghai Park (now Hong Fu) review

The kids and I were near Highland Park tonight at dinner time so we headed over to Hong Fu (formerly Shanghai Park) to find out if their food is as good as people say. We were between ping pong sessions and only had time for a quick bite so we ordered two dishes and some rice, which turned out to be the exact right quantity of food to fill us up but not slow us down. Kind of amazing considering these boys are in their late teens and can eat like soldiers on campaign.

This is the second meal I’ve had out recently that I would have liked to capture some fotos of. Aside from being tasty the dishes were pretty too. I should get used to packing my camera more often. read more

NJ students allowed religious absences

It seems a lot of people don’t know that public school students in New Jersey have the option to take off certain Jewish holidays as “excused religious absences”. Meaning that the absence is noted but does not count against the cumulative totals of absences allowed to each student during a school year.

See more here

Kingdom, a Hip-Hop Musical


A ReVision Theatre Production

A new Hip Hop Rock Musical
April 16 thru May 3, VFW Theatre, Asbury Park
Music by Ian Williams / Book & Lyrics by Aaron Jafferis / Directed by Carlos Armesto !

Order tickets online at or call 732-455-3059

For special price of only $15, use code KIMI when ordering

I’ll be at the show on May 2nd. Let me know if you’re coming that night.

Inspired by the true stories of current and former Latin Kings, KINGDOM follows the journey of two kids from “the barrio” who want to belong – and the power struggle that tears the two friends apart. Andres and Juan are tired of being stepped on, abandoned, and poor. Juan is homeless, they’re both jobless, and no one will help them – so they decide to help themselves. read more

Live fusion of music, dance and painting all performed at once

Our friend Steve Cohn is an avant garde jazz artist who does really brilliant, leading edge work, sometimes right here in the New York City region. In 2007 he was in Amsterdam for a fusion performance called Mo(ve)ment Meets Musicians. My son and I just watched a video clip of the performance and love what we saw.

While Steve played Piano and Shakuhachi and Ernst Resijseger played Cello (sometimes holding it like a guitar), Benno Hübner danced. And on the wall behind them a super-large screen projects the work of two painters who are live on the scene painting while the performance takes place (Tali Farchi and Royce Deans). read more

Phil Greenspun says fire AIG execs

One of the people whose opinions on current issues I always find compelling, is Phil Greenspun. Phil’s not afraid to look an issue in the mouth and tell us what the issue looks like to his informed eye, even if everyone else is calling it a non-issue or a gobydoggle. His insights are compelling because they’re reasoned with logic and are based on simple, verifiable facts. In a blog post yesterday Phil said

Fire the AIG management

AIG has been in the news again, this time for bleeding taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars to pay employee bonuses for a job well done in 2008. Most egregiously, the very division that bankrupted the company is sucking down $165 million in 2008 bonus. Is there some sort of contract that would require the company to pay these bonuses? The company essentially went bankrupt in the fall of 2008, though the U.S. governnment tried to avoid the actual word “bankruptcy”. When a company goes bankrupt, it doesn’t pay most of its obligations under old contracts and certainly does not pay bonuses to the employees who ran it into the ground (not for moral reasons but simply because it no longer has the cash). read more