Joe Biden’s sorry history of legislating to lock up blacks and Latinos to please white people and cops

In this article, the New York Times provides all of the sordid the details required to make your heart ache by providing a time line chronicling how Joe Biden used his power as a young legislator to systematically pass laws which built more prisons and locked hundreds of thousands of black and brown people up in them … while he lied to black leaders, convincing them to support the draconian laws that hugely increased the number of inmates incarcerated in the 1980s and 90s – some, for life – and incinerated the stability of family life in these communities. read more

New Jersey sick days for individuals & parents – licencia pagada por enfermedad para individuos y padres

En 2019 New Jersey adoptó leyes que permiten trabajadores a tomar licencia pagada por enfermedad. Todos los que trabajan en el estado de New Jersey tienen el derecho a estos beneficios para su proprio salud. Además, padres y guardianes pueden usar su licencia para el cuidado de sus hijos. Aprenda más visitando al ó

In 2019 New Jersey adopted laws that allow workers paid time off. All whom work in New Jersey have access to these benefits. Parents and guardians can use these benefits to care for their children, or to care for their own health. Visit or to learn more. read more

Brazilian scientist discovers that ultra-processed foods are making people fat, not fats and sugar.

UPFs via the Institute for Cancer Research
Ultra Processed Foods via the American Institute for Cancer Research
A collage of various junk food items both sweet and savory

Doctor and scientist Carlos Monteiro observed that obesity and tooth decay were blooming out of control in poor rural Brazilian communities. After observation and analysis, he concluded that ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are causing these escalating health issues, rather than any other individually identifiable factors like foods being high in fats or sugars. Monteiro created a category scale and called these foods Group 4. This is how they are described:

The final category, group 4, is unlike any of the others. Group 4 foods tend to consist largely of the sugars, oils and starches from group 2, but instead of being used sparingly to make fresh food more delicious, these ingredients are now transformed through colours, emulsifiers, flavourings and other additives to become more palatable. They contain ingredients unfamiliar to domestic kitchens such as soy protein isolate (in cereal bars or shakes with added protein) and “mechanically separated meat” (turkey hotdogs, sausage rolls). read more

Pablo lucha en Washington para derechos por obreros agrícolas

Farm Workforce Modernation Act graphic

Un Dreamer de California que trabajaba 16 años en la agricultura sin documentos ni acceso a los mismos derechos que tengan otros empleados y residentes legales, visitó a Washington y tuvo el chance de contar su historia personal y abogar por los derechos de otros que continuan en esa misma situación.

El programa apoyado por Pablo Martínez Perez es el Farm Workforce Modernization Act, lo cuál crearía un camino a la legalización residencial para trabajadores agrícolas indocumentados.

Martínez contó a un reportero del noticiero Voices of Monterey Bay, “These agricultural (workers) need to get out of the shadows and they want the opportunity to be part of the community and participate in the community just like any other person would do.” read more

Learn how to answer the top 10 interview questions

The Interview Guys

Mr. Weldon Montague of  the Department of Labor and Workforce Development in Newark, New Jersey shared this video and advice:

Many of my job seekers need to become much more savvy in the art of interviewing. The difference between getting hired or not may strongly depend on how well you answer questions at your interview, so if you are seriously seeking employment, watch and learn.