Debbie Wasserman Schultz … embodies the tactics that have eroded the ability of Democrats to once again be the party of the working class. As Democratic National Committee chair she has opened the floodgates for Big Money, brought lobbyists into the inner circle and oiled all the moving parts of the revolving door that twirls between government service and cushy jobs in the world of corporate influence.
Syrian refugees have support and assistance from the last place we expected: Israel and Jews
From Aboud Dandachi, the founder of
Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that”. For Syrian refugees, these are very dark days indeed. Driven from their country by a brutal war fueled by regional and sectarian ambitions, displaced Syrians find themselves thrown into a world where the environment has over the past year become increasingly hostile towards refugees and asylum seekers.
But while wars and conflicts tend to bring out the very worst in human beings, dark days such as these have also given rise to amazing acts of compassion and humanity. Turned away from Arab countries, increasingly unwelcome in Europe, Syrian refugees have found support, aid and assistance from the last place they could have expected; Israeli and Jewish organizations and individuals.
Truly scathing excerpts from NYT writer’s article on Cory Booker, circus barker
Cory A. Booker talks of his adopted city of Newark as if it were his very own Wild West … This makes for excellent commencement speech fodder … But a recent state audit underlines that the former mayor might have paid more attention to the prosaic business of running his city. Instead of shoveling driveways — he loved on snowy days to run about Newark with his shovel — he could have attended a meeting, just one, of his Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation.
Wonderful and damning indictments point to Clintons racism, destruction of American people & economy
Video: Hillary Clinton’s record of racist alliances and real damage to black families
This is a most powerful piece. Before I knew it, the tears began rolling: they have to be “brought to heel”: the repetition and visuals… OMG!?
Sometimes I ask myself why black people would support this woman … it seems such a mystery in light of all that she and her husband have done to hurt the community. I guess the Clintons with their pretty talk and powerful rhetoric have convinced black and brown supporters to play blame the victim with them – as if doing so were a game rather than the destruction of hopes, dreams, lives and families.
Makes sense: Hillary will share her speech transcripts when hell freezes over
A CNN analysis found that, since 2001, Hillary and Bill Clinton have received $153 million in speaking fees, with at least eight speeches given by Ms. Clinton to big banks for $1.8 million. The media has repeatedly asked Ms. Clinton to release the transcripts, to which she sarcastically responded on ABC’s This Week, “Yeah, you know, here’s another thing I want to say. Let everybody who has ever given a speech to any private group under any circumstances release them all—we’ll all release them at the same time.”
Former Chase employee wants to tell the story of how they defrauded America
Ultra-Rich ‘Philanthrocapitalist’ Class Undermining Global Democracy: Report
As foundations and wealthy individuals funnel money into global development, what “solutions” are they pursuing?

From Warren Buffett to Bill Gates, it is no secret that the ultra-rich philanthropist class has an over-sized influence in shaping global politics and policies.
And a study (pdf) just out from the Global Policy Forum, an international watchdog group, makes the case that powerful philanthropic foundations—under the control of wealthy individuals—are actively undermining governments and inappropriately setting the agenda for international bodies like the United Nations.
Hillary and Bill Clinton and Joe Biden laid the groundwork for imprisoning 1% of America today
Hillary Clinton has a complicated history with incarceration. As first lady, she championed efforts to get tough on crime. “We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders,” Clinton said in 1994. “The ‘three strikes and you’re out’ for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets,” she added.
A very well delivered lesson about who the real immigrants are
Read more:
I wasn’t craving cherries much, but I just wanted to support my people.
“Hold on, I’m gonna’ go get me some cherries.” I said to my friend, and then approached the cherry-stand, and in Spanish said to the woman, “4 Crates, please.”
The woman looked down to face her daughter, which was when I realized that the woman didn’t speak Spanish, so her daughter was her translator.
Get a copy of Bernie Sanders’ autobiography with a donation of ANY size
Want to learn how Sen. Bernie Sanders became the only Independent federal Senator in the United States? Read his autobiography, which his campaign will send you in exchange for a donation of ANY size.
I had $3 to share so that’s what I sent and a few days later, there was the book sitting proudly in my mailbox. It’s a great, easy and fascinating read. I not only recommend it, I urge you to get your own copy and learn more about partisan politics, running an excellent campaign, community organizing and of course, Bernie Sanders himself – who has become the front-runner in the 2016 Democractic primary election despite being ignored by major media outlets much of the time.
Cosby’s business is private, but the state of America’s democracy is our concern
Although only a handful of his accusers claim to have been actually raped by Cosby, I had decided in my mind that he is guilty of serially raping almost 50 women. I didn’t bother to learn what these women have actually accused Dr. Cosby of doing to them. And I didn’t question my right or ability to judge him either, until I watched this video last night … and realized that I am a hypocrite, as well as a victim of the fine art of misdirection, which Wikipedia defines as:
Must watch: black South Africans speak against the false labeling of Israel as an apartheid state (video)
When I hear that Israel is an apartheid state … depending on the mood I’m in I either pack out laughing or I get really, really angry. Because it’s an absolute lie … To incite violence and encourage the destruction of a people just because you don’t like them, that’s disgusting. You are making what our parents went through – you’re making the struggle – a mockery…
Obama has done so much to get conservatives angry with him. Go Prez!
(Obama) had the un-mitigated gall to be a Black man who beat two Republican candidates. Furthermore, he had the bad sense to be articulate, a faithful husband and good father. Moreover, he unpatriotically was able to stop our soldiers from being killed in the Middle East while saving us $30 – 50 billion dollars a month.
It was bad form for him to kill Osama bin Laden seeing as how the previous Administration was unable to do it.
The Obamas certainly do celebrate Christmas, and Ben Stein’s statement was thoughtful – not inane
First of all, the Obamas joyously celebrate Christmas. Here’s a video from the White House of the First Family receiving the White House Christmas Tree in 2013.