Support and read good, honest news and reporters
Also see Media Outlets Serving Up REAL News
- Truthout
- From the Washington Post: The Fact Checker’s ongoing database of the false or misleading claims made by President Trump since assuming office.
- Charles M. Blow hard hitting New York Times writer who tells it like it needs to be told
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- Thom Hartmann
- The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
- Real Time with Bill Maher
- Nicholas Kristof New York Times columnist and Half the Sky founder
- Comedian W. Kamau Bell
- All of the fine writers at Bill Moyers & Company
- Van Jones webpage and Facebook page
- Watch Van Jones’ The Messy Truth series
- The Young Turks
- Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
- Follow Robert Reich, former US Labor Secretary turned political commentator
- All In With Chris Hayes
- Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp
- Keep up with the Trump Administration’s bizarre, fiendish and maybe illegal actions via the brilliant daily news aggregation at What The Fuck Just Happened Today?
- Wired feature: Fake Think Tanks Fuel Fake News—And the President’s Tweets
- Rachel Maddow
- Mashable article: Trump’s new White House website contains plenty of ‘alternative facts’
- A Closer Look – Late Night With Seth Myers
- Vice news portal
- The Late Show with Steven Colbert
- Washington Post article: Trump requires Press Secretary Sean Spicer to lie to the American people
Become a protector of the open internet, free speech and unfettered communication
- Free Press protects democracy and free expression thru many programs
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) ‘Defending your rights in the digital world’
- Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Join the Soldiers of Light
- Join Michelle & Barack Obama’s troop of world changers at
- Join Van Jones’#lovearmy movement
- Join the Berniecrat’s Knock Every Door movement
- Join the Berniecrat Our Revolution movement to elect accountable political leaders
Protect our youth
- Attend or organize a Cosecha workshop or teach-in for immigrant youth – in any location across the country #CosechaResistance
Sign petitions
- Impeach Trump
- ACLU – People’s Oath
- Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.
- Divest or put in a blind trust all of the President’s business and financial assets
Take action for positive change
- Indivisible Guide outlines the most effective ways to get members of Congress to listen. Created by former congressional staffers.
- Participate in the 10 Actions for the first 100 Days issued by the Women’s March
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s (EFF) 100 Day Plan
- Join the FreePress 100 Days of Disruption campaign
- ACLU’s 7-Point Plan of Action to Take on the Trump Administration
- Next: Pack your Congressional members’ town hall meetings, whether your Rep is red or blue and ask hard questions about the progressive agenda (the Tea Party did this well). ~ via Rev. Richard Hong
- Help elect a progressive Congress in the 2018 midterm elections via Brand New Congress
Follow Voices of Reason
- Lawrence Lessig: Harvard Constitutional Law professor and social activist
- Michael Moore
Hold elected official accountable
- Practice the Trump Resistance Plan (TRP) every day, in every way
- Follow @stollmeyereu’s awesome Twitter list of government agencies going rogue to keep informing the public
- Track facts and learn about actions via the Resistance Manual
- Study the Indivisible Guide to holding your federal elected officials accountable. Written by former Congressional staffers.
- 12 Companies that Trump family owns in part or in full
Inspiration from President and Michelle Obama
If you have an item to share, please share it in a comment.