Veteran dogs program won best commercial award in the Netherlands, for good reason

Traumatized war vet
Source: KNGF commercial for veteran dogs

Guide Dogs TV commercial from the Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation (KNGF Geleidehonden) won the Dutch 2014 Gouden Loeki award for best commercial. The work entitled “We not only help people who cannot see, but also those who have seen too much” shows the assistance a specially trained dog can offer to a military veteran coping with severe war related trauma.

Hat tip to Han Broekman for the great find.

Kmart’s Joe Boxer ad may be in poor taste. Is it also racist?

Joe Boxer xmas commercial
Katie McDonough of Salon dislikes Kmart’s Joe Boxer male underwear ad #showyourjoe because it’s too overtly sexual for her taste, and she wonders about metal testicles. The booty shaking didn’t bother me – most popular musicals have way more spice in their dance routines.

When I watched the 1 minute commercial, what I noticed was that the only dude with speaking lines and the guy with the most shakes, was the single Black man out of a field of 6. Naturally, I asked myself – is this commercial racist? I’d love to know what you think. read more

Racist Mountain Dew goat series commercial pulled

Racist Mountain Dew commercial

Racist Mountain Dew commercialFriend of a friend Sandi Baronvonsassypants Snipe summed this disgusting series of Mountain Dew commercial up much better than I can:

Uggg. I could go on and on about the many fuckeries this commercial promotes but then I would just cry.

Our mutual friend @bryanalexander posted this on Facebook with this note, “Here’s the full Mountain Dew goat commercial series. #3 is the killer. Wow.” And yeah, I found it not only racist, but quite unsettling.

What do you think?