.@NYTimes digital access is being made free to all highschoolers thru Sept 2021
NJ Senate will hold first ever remote hearing to consider COVID-19 bills
NJ Senate will hold first ever remote hearing to consider COVID-19 bills
Fondos de alivio disponibles para residentes del norte de New Jersey a través del United Way
Fondos de alivio disponibles para residentes del norte de New Jersey a través del United Way | United Way Recovery Fund open to low-income residents in northern New Jersey
Fondos de alivio: cuando llegarán y cómo compartir sus datos bancarios con el IRS
When stimulus check should arrive – and how to share bank account information with the IRS
Si todavía no ha recibido su pago del gobierno federal por alivio del impacto económico, visite esta página del IRS para aprender cuando llegará. En esta página también puede compartir los datos de su cuenta bancaria para el pago ser remitido electronicamente, el método más rapido. Haga click en “Get My Payment” para iniciar el proceso.
Forbes comparte el horario programado para el envío de cheques en papel a las personas que no han compartido su información bancaria con el IRS.
Obtenga 3 reportes de crédito semanales gratis por un año
Obtenga 3 reportes de crédito semanales gratis por un año | Get 3 free credit reports every week for one year
Info you need to know in COVID-19 times
Info you need to know in COVID-19 times
Need custom signs for floors, windows or sidewalks? We got you covered.
Need custom signs for floors, windows or sidewalks? We got you covered.
Sin someter una declaración de renta al IRS usted puede todavía recibir un cheque de estímulo
Aún los que no estén obligados someter una declaración de renta al IRS pueden calificarse para recibir su cheque de estímulo llenando el formulario en la página web del IRS.
NJEDA announces launch dates to apply for grants for businesses impacted by COVID-19
NJEDA announces launch dates to apply for grants for businesses impacted by COVID-19
How by abandoning their vows to serve the public, American politicians precipitated the pandemic meltdown
In a brilliant New Yorker article, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor lays out the steps by which the abandonment of middle and poor Americans by both US political parties led to society’s present collapse. Although the coronavirus was the immediate trigger, the erosion of society’s wellbeing began way back in 1969. Collapse was an occurrence primed to happen at some point, and now just happened to be the time.
For 50 years, since 1979, national leaders increasingly backed away from their obligation to care for vulnerable and working class Americans. As they did, financial instability increased and the chance to acquire wealth became much more limited. Those were the perfect conditions for the meltdown known as American life in the days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Millions were driven into a state of deprivation that made happy lives impossible. And over time, the country destabilized economically. Students were still paying back college loans into their golden years. Aspiring homeowners could not afford mortgages. Urban residents live with air quality so poor that one in four has asthma and health concerns affect all areas of family’s lives. Poor health affects the’ ability to earn adequate incomes and keep up with the demands of digital life.
For years, the United States has gotten away with persistently chipping away at its weak welfare state by hiding or demonizing the populations most dependent on it. The poor are relegated as socially dysfunctional and inept, unable to cash in on the riches of American society ... The debate over the role of government in addressing income inequality, housing insecurity, debt accumulation, and health care continues, now against the grim backdrop of the raging coronavirus. It is difficult to articulate the speed with which the U.S. and, indeed, the world, has descended into an existential crisis.
Recursos para la epoca del coronavirus | Coronavirus outbreak resources
Recursos para la enfermedad coronavirus | Coronavirus outbreak resources
Mortgage relief for Fannie & Freddie mortgage homeowners
Mortgage relief for Fannie & Freddie mortgage homeowners
Cómo hablar con un oficial del Departmento de Salud de New Jersey sobre el virus Covid-19
Cómo hablar con un oficial del Departmento de Salud de New Jersey sobre el virus Covid-19 #p2
Both the State of New Jersey and the City of Newark are offering relief for tenants
Both the State of New Jersey and the City of Newark are offering relief for tenants
A report from Italy – with 10,000 cases of coronavirus and country on lockdown
Cristina Higgins writes from Italy about 10,000 cases of coronavirus having brought the country to a standstill #p2