New Jersey sick days for individuals & parents – licencia pagada por enfermedad para individuos y padres

En 2019 New Jersey adoptó leyes que permiten trabajadores a tomar licencia pagada por enfermedad. Todos los que trabajan en el estado de New Jersey tienen el derecho a estos beneficios para su proprio salud. Además, padres y guardianes pueden usar su licencia para el cuidado de sus hijos. Aprenda más visitando al ó

In 2019 New Jersey adopted laws that allow workers paid time off. All whom work in New Jersey have access to these benefits. Parents and guardians can use these benefits to care for their children, or to care for their own health. Visit or to learn more. read more

Trump attacked workers’ pay and rights in 2017. Here are the worst violations.

McDonalds NYC demo
McDonalds NYC Demonstration for workers rights & fair pay Source:

The focus of the Economic Policy Institute’s (EPI) report issued on January 12, 2018 is in its name: Ten actions that hurt workers during Trump’s first year: How Trump and Congress further rigged the economy in favor of the wealthy

See the article for facts about how workers are affected by each action on this list:

McDonalds NYC demo
McDonalds NYC Demonstration for workers rights & fair pay Source:
  • Enacting tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the wealthy over the average worker
  • Taking billions out of workers’ pockets by weakening or abandoning regulations that protect their pay
  • Blocking workers from access to the courts by allowing mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts
  • Pushing immigration policies that hurt all workers
  • Rolling back regulations that protect worker pay and safety
  • Stacking the Federal Reserve Board with candidates friendlier to Wall Street than to working families
  • Ensuring Wall Street can pocket more of workers’ retirement savings
  • Stacking the Supreme Court against workers by appointing Neil Gorsuch
  • Trying to take affordable health care away from millions of working people
  • Undercutting key worker protection agencies by nominating anti-worker leaders
  • read more