Bonnet undoubtedly saved the woman from physical harm and perhaps, even death. Bonnet is a hero, and Twitter loves him!Here’s what the Laval, Quebec police say:
Guérin of the Laval police said that in 24 years of policing he’s never seen anything quite like what Bonnet did. “He managed the situation very well and took good decisions that probably saved the life of this woman.”
Police officers were so impressed with Bonnet that they took up a collection to reimburse the ($120) he had spent for bus fare and food that night. They came up with $255 … Guérin said Laval police intend to nominate Bonnet for a provincial award for bravery.
Men like this awesome young fellow make up very nicely, thank you, for the losers out there who mistreat their wives and girlfriends. Thank you, Malyk Bonnet!