Help build the future - apply now for a clean energy job with the DOE's Clean Energy Corps.
New Jersey is offering free mini-courses to upgrade work skills
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development has launched SkillUp New Jersey to help recently laid-off residents prepare to get back to work. SkillUp New Jersey can help workers planning to return to a former employer and also people looking to change jobs. The program offers free and unlimited access to more than 5,000 high-quality online training courses valued by many Fortune 500 companies. View a 1-minute video overview of the SkillUp New Jersey program.
The SkillUp New Jersey Program can help you acquire new skills, enhance existing skills, explore new career paths, or prepare for certification training through a web-based learning management system. The free platform offers thousands of courses covering a variety of business skills, career topics, and helps to prepare you for industry certifications.
List of green energy jobs in northern New Jersey
Green Energy Jobs from Newark One Stop and the Newark Workforce Development Center
Trump attacked workers’ pay and rights in 2017. Here are the worst violations.

The focus of the Economic Policy Institute’s (EPI) report issued on January 12, 2018 is in its name: Ten actions that hurt workers during Trump’s first year: How Trump and Congress further rigged the economy in favor of the wealthy
See the article for facts about how workers are affected by each action on this list:

Free! Job Fair at William Paterson University 9-1 on Jan 12 2017

Looking for your next employer? Come to the Job Fair at William Paterson University where the following industries will be represented:
Healthcare, Security, Retail & Sales, Finance, Transportation, Material Management, Government, and Manufacturing.
Thursday 12 January 2017 (Snow Date: January 13th)
9am – 1pm
1600 Valley Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
Veteran’s Assistance will be available.
Bring your best self, your resumé if you have one and partake of workshops like:
- Using Social Media in Your Job Search
- Nailing the Job: Resumes for the 21st Century
- How to Apply for Government Jobs
Obama’s SBA rolls out entrepreneur training and microloans for formerly incarcerated individuals

This week, the leaders of the SBA, W.K. Kellogg Foundation and microlender Justine PETERSEN announced the formation of the Aspire Entrepreneurship Initiative, a groundbreaking new $2.1 million partnership to expand access to entrepreneurial education and microloans for formerly incarcerated individuals, with a specific focus on those who are parents. Initial rollout for the initiative is planned for Detroit, MI, Chicago, IL, Louisville, KY and St. Louis, MO.
“Entrepreneurship and small business ownership are proven paths toward wealth creation and financial independence especially for people who might otherwise feel trapped by their circumstances” said SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet. “America remains a land of opportunity, a place where we believe in second changes for those who have paid their debt to society. Entrepreneurship can be a ladder of opportunity for citizens who have paid that debt but are still struggling to find employment after incarceration. With the training and startup tools provided through this partnership, these American citizens can finally start to rebuild their lives and restore their relationships with their families and communities.”
“At the Kellogg Foundation we know that children thrive when their families are economically secure,” said La June Montgomery Tabron, president and CEO of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. “It is vital that parent returning citizens have the opportunity to create economic prosperity for their families. One path to that success is creating more opportunities for entrepreneurship by opening access to the capital and training needed for parents to become small business owners in their communities. By giving parents a second chance, we are also giving their children an opportunity to succeed.”
“At the heart of the American dream is opportunity,” stated Robert Boyle, Founder and CEO of Justine PETERSEN, “And the dynamic partnership of the SBA, W. K. Kellogg Foundation and Justine PETERSEN provides the necessary programmatic infrastructure for such opportunity to be afforded and ultimately realized. We at Justine PETERSEN are inspired and excited about bringing entrepreneurial opportunity to returning citizens and their families.”
SBA will oversee strategic planning for the pilot initiative, work with its microlending partners to make capital available for program participants, and leverage its policy research expertise to craft a comprehensive evaluation design for assessing the pilot’s effectiveness. Justine PETERSEN will deliver the intensive, cohort-based entrepreneurial education program and the Kellogg Foundation will fund the pilot initiative and provide matching revolving loan funds and evaluation support. The Kellogg Foundation will also partner with the SBA to produce a white paper summarizing the insights produced by the pilot initiative.
An estimated 60 percent of formerly incarcerated individuals remain unemployed one year after their release, raising the risk of recidivism and resulting in lost lifetime earnings. This cycle has major implications for American families as nearly half of all U.S. children have at least one parent with a criminal record. In 2015, SBA expanded its Microloan Program to small business owners currently on probation or parole. This partnership expands on that policy change to give parents the opportunity to generate income and create economic prosperity for their families.
Sen Bob Menendez Hosts Empowerment Summit in Trenton on April 22 – Free

Friday 22 April 2016
Trenton War Memorial
1 Memorial Drive
Trenton, NJ 08608
Cost: Free
Lunch will be served
RSVP here
Visit the summit event page for additional information
Hillary’s BFFs Wasserman-Schultz & Rahm Emanuel: called out by Moyers for persecuting the working poor

Rep. Excerpt from the 24 March 2016 article by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship on on the united intentionality of Wasserman Schultz, Rahm Emanuel and both Clintons to both shift the Dem Party away from representing working folk and also persecute the working poor:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz … embodies the tactics that have eroded the ability of Democrats to once again be the party of the working class. As Democratic National Committee chair she has opened the floodgates for Big Money, brought lobbyists into the inner circle and oiled all the moving parts of the revolving door that twirls between government service and cushy jobs in the world of corporate influence.
She has played games with the party’s voter database, been accused of restricting the number of Democratic candidate debates and scheduling them at odd days and times to favor Hillary Clinton, and recently told CNN’s Jake Tapper that super delegates — strongly establishment and pro-Clinton — are necessary at the party’s convention so deserving incumbent officials and party leaders don’t have to run for delegate slots “against grassroots activists.” Let that sink in, but hold your nose against the aroma of entitlement.
But here’s just about the worst of it. Rep. Wasserman Schultz — the people’s representative, right? — has aligned herself with corporate interests out to weaken the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s effort to create national standards for the payday-lending industry, a business that in particular targets the poor. Payday loans, as Yuka Hayashi writes at The Wall Street Journal, “are quick credits of a few hundred dollars, with effective annual interest rates ranging between 300% and 500%. Loans are due in a lump sum on the borrower’s next payday, a structure that often sends people into cycles of debt by forcing them to take out new loans to repay the old ones.”
According to the nonpartisan Americans for Financial Reform, this tail-chasing cycle of “turned” loans to pay off previous loans makes up about 76 percent of the payday loan business. The Pew Charitable Trust found that in Wasserman Schultz’s home state, the average payday loan customer takes out nine such loans a year, which usually has them mired in debt for about half a year.
USPS Job Fair in E. Orange for many locations 9/15 6-8pm

East Orange, NJ
Tues 15 Sept 2015
44 City Hall Plaza
East Orange NJ
Jobs include (but aren’t limited to)
City and Rural Carriers
PSE Clerks
Mail Handler Assistants
Tractor Trailer Drivers
Auto Mechanics
Dress like you’re ready for work and arrive as early as you can!
Snow shoveling work at Meadowlands for winter 2014–Interviews Mon 11/24 @ Masonic Temple Paterson

METLIFE STADIUM SNOW REMOVAL (occasional, on demand work)
Compensation: $10-14 per hour
Interviews Mon 24 Nov 2014 6-9PM at Masonic Temple, Paterson NJ
Job Description:
Snow removal employees needed to work after all major snow events at MetLife Stadium during the winter season between NOVEMBER 2014 and JANUARY 2015.
Snow Removal is physically demanding and may take place in cold, wet and miserable conditions, including, but not limited to snow storm events. Ideal candidate must be physically fit, have the proper clothing to stay dry and be able to work for an extensive period of time. Lunch Breaks and Warm Up Breaks will be provided in Indoor Stadium Box Areas between work sessions. Successful candidate must also be a self- starter and be committed to safety at all times. Please visit our website and watch “what to expect while shoveling”
Free Transportation To the Job:
Free Transportation to work at the stadium will be provided from WAYNE, PATERSON, PASSAIC, SOMERSET, BOUND BROOK, NORTH BRUNSWICK, NEWARK & HACKENSACK locations in New Jersey.
Job Requirements:
• Must be at least 18 years of age
• Willing to work in freezing weather conditions
• Willing to work on call with flexible availability
$14.00 an hour for shoveling time and $10.00 for wait time (the time prior to when you begin shoveling).
How do I apply?
Interviews will be held Monday November 24th at Masonic Temple, 224 Broadway, Paterson NJ 07501 from 6-9pm. Workers are being pre-qualified and registered.
The hiring of snow removal employees is being handled by Staff Right Solutions, recruiter for Canete snow removal.
Plumbers Union taking apprenticeship applications this spring
Plumbers Union Local #24 is taking applications for a 5 year apprenticeship program from March 24th thru April 4th 2014 Monday thru Friday from 3 to 5pm. Each applicant must complete an application at local 24’s training center at 20 Fairfield Place West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006.
Requirements: copy of birth certificates, high school diploma, ged transcripts, social security card and a valid drivers license must be brought with you. You must also complete a required drug screening test and must be 18 years of age.
There will be an aptitude test which will cost $ 50.00 payable by check or money order. Cash will not be accepted.
For more info contact
Plumbers Union, Local 24
Good luck!
Emerging BCC Latino leaders share thoughts on debut development program
Thanks to USHLI for dreaming up a really good program and providing us with guidance to get it off the ground, to our speakers, donors and advisors, to BCC for hosting our evening workshops and to Kimi Wei of The Wei for so much help.
~ Jorge Ivan Gomez Wei
Members of the first CLDP @ BERGEN Cohort share thoughts about our participation.
Jorge Ivan Gomez Wei
There were times in the past four years I wasn’t sure I could actually get this program started in Bergen. Now, I’m so glad I didn’t give up. I put together a great group of students and we’re not only learning, we’re interacting. And, our speakers are imparting some very useful information.
Luis Ariel Lopez Wei
This is a great program, especially for a first semester student like myself. I’m happy to be a part of it and honored to have helped put it together. It’s been very informative. I know so much about the functions of school administrators and where to go for help if I need it.
Mario Cuevas
These CLDP meetings have been a great oppurtinity to learn and better understand the services that are provided by the college. Services we are never aware of until it is thrown into our faces. Also I have enjoyed the time spent with old and new friends alike. This most definitely needs to be a yearly thing, which I hope grows.
Nora Figueroa
It’s great to be part of the USHLI CLDP program. I have enjoyed every CLDP session that we have had because I got to learn something new about every speaker at the meetings. I like the fact that all the speakers have brought something to the table, either information that is going to be helpful for our group’s members in our near future, or a personal experience that we can learn a lesson from. In every session an interesting topic is brought up and we all gain something from it. The sessions have been not only informative but also fun and I am sure its not only me who feels this way … I’m pretty sure the rest of the group does too.
Kevin Calle
I really enjoy this group because it’s so informative. It’s educating me about opportunities out there for scholarships and financial aid, which in a lot of ways are tied together. Many of the speakers have tackled these issues and give us the facts about them. In a way, the speakers are putting the path to success right in our hands.
Santos Garcia, Jr.
This is an awesome program for learning all about my school. I love it.
Johnnie Orozco
I strongly believe that Ivan overcame many difficult obstacles by recruiting and successfully engaging interested and capable members to this program. I am glad that the CLDP program has taken the initiative to connect Hispanic students with faculty members who can educate them on different policies that are set to benefit us and listen to the problems we have, so they can create new policies that are sensitive to issues that Hispanic students share and increase the percentage of graduation rates. As a Puerto Rican student in his third year at Bergen Community College I wish program like CLPSD had been available to me earlier on. However, moving forward I feel more comfortable about engaging administrative staff members with my individual needs.
José Molina
This is a great program. I believe every student should be part of it and become more familiar with everything it has to offer. The meetings are full of so much information that will definitely help every student in their college experience and lead to future advancement. Great program overall.
Ricardo Montero Hernandez
Apart from the positive and educational environment present at every session, every member of CLDP is willing and urgent to listen and ask questions, the sessions are engaging and educational, with each speaker always bringing something new to the already informative sessions. However, if one word was used to describe CLDP, it is definitely “Inspiring.”
The sessions, the speakers and my fellow members have inspired me to become a better leader and a better role model, at times showing me new paths to my uncertain but hopeful future.
Natasha Pineiros
I think the USHLI sessions are a great idea to let students know what goes on in Bergen, who is in charge of these important programs and how they can take advantage of the resources that we have available to us.
Jefferson A. Guerrero
I was very excited about the sustainability speakers – that really motivates me. This is the future and I am too. It’s good to keep the earth clean. And I like technology … to create technology and new devices without hurting the environment is an essential concept. About the CLDP program itself, it’s about the Hispanic community, which is growing in the United States. People don’t know everything the Hispanic community can do, and we would like to open people’s eyes to see how we can help make changes. We’re not just about making money and sending it to our families back home. We’re about making positive change here.
Please help us with a donation!
If you can help these deserving students with a donation please contact Ivan by email, @ivanwei on Twitter, Facebook, @kimiwei or call 201-477-8711. We’ll send you our fundraising packet and information on how to make a tax-deductible donation to the program.
Learn more about this program
Resumé help for veterans

The Personal Branding Resume Engine will help you translate your military service record into a strong resume. The skills and experience you gained as a Servicemember can make you a great employee. However, it’s crucial to help potential employers understand how. With input from Fortune 500 human resources (HR) consultants, the Resume Engine will help you get your job search off to a positive start.
Give the tool a whirl and let us know if it helps!