The federal budget deal will be death for many Americans

Richard Eskow reviews the federal budget deal in the Huffington Post. He finds it seriously lacking, both in compassion and solutions to prevent today’s vulnerable from being completely consumed by the wealthy.

Man’s inhumanity to man.

I know, I know. That’s a pretty depressing thing to say. But let’s look at the facts: Federal workers will be expected to subsidize this deal with an increase in their out-of-pocket pension costs. There will be cuts to Medicare. Airline passengers will pay a new tax. Military retirees — military retirees — will see their benefits cut. read more

Religious leaders may stress over congregants’ issues

Dawn in Menton
Never thought about this. Clergymen may stress over the personal woes their congregants bring to them as they look for guidance and hope in dark times. During these days of darkness for so many, the internal resources of many religious leaders must be stretched quite thin. In my Facebook timeline this morning I spotted these posts and want to pass along Vincent Grove‘s call to pray for our pastors, priests and rabbis … keep them lifted up as so many draw on the wells of their compassion and creativity to inspire hope and strength. It makes sense to help these important leaders say strong in faith and spirit as they serve our friends, family and maybe, even ourselves. read more

Time calls Christie the “Elephant In the Room”

Christie made a big stink when Barbara Buono said New Jersey didn’t want to see Christie frolicking on the beach, claiming his opponent’s comment was an oblique reference to his weight. Is the big man going to cry “foul” to Time magazine now, which boldly portrays Christie on its current cover along with caption, “The Elephant In the Room”?

Time defends its cover choice on its blog.


  • Comment on NBC’s Facebook page and they might read your comment on Today in New York.
  • Take a poll at Huffington Post: is this in poor taste or “What’s the problem?”.
  • read more

    A Dem vote is a vote for President Obama

    Buono for GovernorEveryone knows I have the best Facebook friends. Today, one of them wrote a few true and important words about the upcoming election – so, I hope you’re paying attention! Cynthia Oneday Flood says:


    Evelyn Concepcion adds,

    I do not think people understand the magnitude of this election. I have been watching it since day one. Governor Christie has allied with some Democrats just so they can get both the house and Senate. He is aligning himself for the Presidential run in 2016. He does not truly care about bi partisan alies to help the people of New Jersey. He will use them and throw them to the side once this election is over. The true issue is that the working poor, our veterans, our seniors, our children and our people will suffer even more should he be re- elected. We MUST vote Democracts in. Barbara Buono must and should be our next Governor. We must deliver on our Promise to our President.we need Democract in both the house and Senate. We need a Democract as Governor. All those Democracts who left their political party to support Republicans must be voted out. we have enough Democracts in New Jersey to vote them out. You have to vote Nov 5, 2013. read more

    Issues, news and fact checking for NJ’s 2013 election season

    THIS ELECTION VOTE YOURSELF A RAISE! Vote YES on the ballot referendum to raise the NJ minimum wage to $8.25/hr

    Also in the 2013 election cycle, all of New Jersey’s state level positions are up for election including Assembly, State Senate seats and the governorship. Federal and state elected officials have the ability to make changes to improve, approve or eradicate the issues listed below. Your vote and your voice make them accountable so be sure to vote. (Download issues flyer).

    Vision test - VOTE

    • Protect the constitutional right of every US citizen to have one vote and get it counted
    • Fund and enact The Amistad Act which calls for racially accurate history to be taught in NJ schools
    • Food justice: eradicate urban food deserts and barriers to home & community gardening; ban of genetically modified foods (GMOs); make college food healthier and more affordable
    • Reverse Citizens United ruling that gives corporations the status of personhood
    • Take big money out of general elections (see
    • Save the open internet and protect it from takeover and control by corporate interests (see
    • Ban prison based gerrymandering which causes prison inmates’ families to lose government resources in their home states and counties
    • Stop privatization of schools, prisons, nursing homes and food services
    • Moratorium on foreclosures to protect 1 in 4 Black &Latino families who are in danger of losing their homes
    • Hold banks accountable for wrongful foreclosures, charging Blacks and Latinos higher mortgage interest rates, refusing to renegotiate underwater mortgages; and failing to provide maintenance on foreclosed homes – which contributes to the creation of urban blight zones
    • Lower US prison population. We incarcerate almost 1% of American citizens, about 2.5 million individuals, whom are mostly Latinos and African Americans
    • Protect civil rights including: ban racial profiling, stop unfounded searches and halt incarceration of non- criminal undocumented immigrants
    • Achieve diversity of court justices on every level of the judicial system
    • Transition to a green economy and protect clean air, water and the environment. Prevent climate change.
    • Provide help to families with homes in foreclosure, the unemployed and the hungry
    • Protect women’s health, lives, career opportunities; and the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
    • Hold major corporation and government agencies accountable for diversity in hiring and the awarding of small business contracts
    • Make minimum wage equal a living wage and protect American jobs. Vote yes to the NJ 2013 ballot referen- dum to raise min wage to $8.25/hr!
    • Expand the scope of the new federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which offers important protec- tions including: financial institutions may not enact excessive credit rate hikes or provide misleading informa- tion about credit terms and fees
    • Support for women and minority students wishing to enter STEM fields
    • Protect Obamacare and fund affordable community health centers
    • Continue the Deferred Action program & pass the DREAM Act for undocumented immigrant youth; enact comprehensive immigration reform
    • Increase support for Historically Black Colleges and Minority Serving Institutions and protect public education
    • End government subsidies to big banks and dirty fuel companies. Invest more in public education and health.
    • Maintain affordable interest rates on student loans (impacts 140,000 NJ students) and lower college tuition.
    • Increase the amount of Pell grant dollars available for low-income studentsTrack Congressional bills


    Great words from the great Maya Angelou

    Maya Angelou

    A poem and some very good thoughts from Dr. Maya Angelou, a woman I admire so. Thanks Yulie for passing them along to me.

    by Maya Angelou

    When I was in my younger days,
    I weighed a few pounds less,
    I needn’t hold my tummy in
    to wear a belted dress.

    But now that I am older,
    I’ve set my body free;
    There’s comfort of elastic
    Where once my waist would be.

    Inventor of those high-heeled shoes
    My feet have not forgiven;
    I have to wear a nine now,
    But used to wear a seven. read more

    Is the US financially swimming, or sinking?

    My insightful friend and great truth-teller, Han Broekman, shares this on the United States financial situation:

    Disappointed that even Krugman doesn’t talk here about the difference between debt and deficit. Debt is the grand total of all debts the US Federal administration has incurred. The deficit is the difference each year between the outlays and incomes of the US. Sometimes (mostly under Democratic administrations), there is no deficit, but a surplus. Whether or not deficits are really bad, and whether debt is really bad, is a question economists can’t agree on. So small wonder that debt and deficit are huge politically charged subjects … read more

    David Suzuki says why conventional economics is a form of brain damage

    David Suzuki

    David SuzukiDavid Suzuki explains why,

    Conventional economics is a form of brain damage.

    Money doesn’t stand for anything. And money now grows faster than the real world. Economics is fundamentally, so disconnected from the real world it is destructive.

    Economists call life and biodiversity, “externalities,” yet we rely on the services that plants, insects and animals render to the world.

    We are told over and over that the economy is the bottom line. I don’t think so.

    Visit to learn more about David Suzuki and his foundation explores the world of sustainability read more

    “School reform” aka diverting school funds to the rich

    profiting by closing schools

    profiting by closing schoolsDavid Sirota helps us see that the true mission of the corporate backed charter school initiative is to bust unions and divert public funds earmarked for student education. The goal is to remove barriers to corporate control of society and for rich guys to get all the money in the world (or at least the US). These people didn’t get the memo that you can’t take it with you.

    The bottom line is clear: In attempting to change the mission of public education from one focused on educating kids to one focused on generating private profit, corporate leaders in the “reform” movement are pursuing a shrewd investment strategy. Millions of dollars go into campaign contributions and propaganda outfits that push “reform,” and, if successful, those “reforms” guarantee Wall Street and their investment vehicles much bigger returns for the long haul. read more

    Trayvon’s killer won’t suffer – he lacks a conscience & has money

    zimmerman smirk

    zimmerman smirkEverybody wants to believe GZ will suffer. Pffff. If smirky George had a conscience, this might be true. If he wasn’t getting his legal expenses paid by private donations, this might be true. But now he’s got money, is nuts, arrogant, self-deceiving and self-aggrandizing. His wife is a lady willing to perjure herself for personal gain. And, George has presently situated himself outside of the US where he might experience trouble, in a secret overseas location where he must feel safe. read more

    Does Disney World have sovereign nation status?

    Disney World

    Disney WorldWhat’s the status of Disney World relative to United States law? If it exists outside the law and is “detached from” the State of Florida, is Disney World a sovereign nation or …. or, what?

    This and other issues are explored in National Geographic’s brilliant article on the entertainment empire:

    Disney’s new empire in central Florida would be marketed as Disney World. Its official name was, and remains, the Reedy Creek Improvement District. Thanks to a sweetheart deal with the state legislature, the lands Disney purchased were detached from the rest of Florida to form a Magic Kingdom, above and outside the law. Even now, Disney World’s rides are exempt from state safety inspections. Democratic process is excluded, too. Power remains in the hands of a board of supervisors composed of Disney allies. However much you pay for a time-share condo in Disney World, you cannot buy property outright, and therefore establish official residence, and therefore vote for the board. Celebration, Disney’s residential community themed to evoke pre-1940s small-town America, has a city hall but no actual municipal government. read more

    Early voting will help Cory Booker

    Cory Booker as superman

    Cory Booker as supermanThe New Jersey primary to elect party candidates for the Wed Oct 16 2013 special Senatorial election will be held on Tues Aug 13 and voting is set to begin as early as next week, with counties getting ready to sending out vote by mail ballots early to the 15,000+ voters registered to receive them for the year. People who vote early may not have enough time to learn about the Real Cory Booker.

    The buzz is just starting to build about Cory Booker’s sellout of the people of Newark he is pledged to serve in favor of the big money financiers he’s so in love with. They want to run the voters who elected Cory out of Newark and destroy Newark public education for children so departing residents will have nothing to come back to. We’re talking financiers like Mitt Romney, whom Cory lavishly praised on public television during the last presidential election. sneich reacts with comments and a hard-hitting question on the Daily Kos: read more