This may sound way out there but I can totally relate to the difficulty 1 in 3 families have with the expense of diapering their babies, because I had it too when my kids were diaper age – a couple of decades ago. Tomorrow at SXSW, President Obama will announce the new ublic-private-donation partnership the White House is brokering called The Community Diaper Program, which is designed to bring a comfy diaper to every baby’s bottom.
The combination of these efforts created the Community Diaper Program, launching today, and available to any 501(c)(3) organization in the United States. Now, any non-profit (whether or not they currently provide diapers to families they serve) will able to purchase diapers as much as 25 percent cheaper than the current available price, with no minimum order and 48 hour shipping. This process addresses head on the storage and timing challenges expressed by non-profits in the field. The National Diaper Bank Network, which nationwide operates over 280 diaper banks (similar to food banks), estimates that their members will order more than 15 million diapers through this program in 2016 alone. Best of all, the Community Diaper Program is sustainable, fiscally and organizationally, and will continue to benefit families for years to come…read more
A woman in Mombasa, Kenya, shows the razorblade she uses to cut girls’ genitals. Photograph: Ivan Lieman/Barcroft Media via The GuardianA new investigation turned up about 70 million more victims of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) worldwide than previously known, many living in Indonesia. About half a million are girls from the United States of America, sometimes brought overseas by their parents for “vacation cutting”.
The UN shares these key facts about the practice:
FGM is mostly carried out on young girls sometime between infancy and age 15.
FGM cause severe bleeding and health issues including cysts, infections, infertility as well as complications in childbirth increased risk of newborn deaths.
FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women.
In Guinea, where 97% of girls aged 15 to 49 are FGM victims despite the practice being outlawed, Unicef staff described seeing girls taken away from their families against their will to be cut, on the orders of village authorities. One five-year-old died from her more
Ready to Run is a bipartisan campaign and civic leadership training for women held in states across the country and here in New Jersey, it’s an initiative of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP). The information and networking are first class, so attend if you can.
Ready to Run
Fri & Sat 18-19 March 2016
Douglass Student Center
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Get more information and register at If you need a partial scholarship, look for the link to apply – the earlier, the better as limited funds are available and awards are made on a rolling more
Source: YouTube Fast-Forward Girls 2015 video by GoldieBloxGoldieBlox’s Fast-Forward Girls project celebrates superstar women and the girls they inspire – 10 women role models who have “broken the mold, blazed a trail, and made it happen in politics, entertainment, sport, and STEM. Each superstar is played by a mini-superstar in the making…” and these girls are cuties!
Photo source: = ISIL = IS = DAESH. All names for Islamic terrorists known for committing violent crimes against humanity around the world – even against fellow Muslims. They are the cause of Syrian citizens mass exodus from their homeland.
The world knew about young sex slaves Daesh kidnaps and forces into marriages or continuously rapes until the woman crave death rather than live this way. The Telegraph relates:
Last year, one 17-year-old girl, part of a group of about 40 Yazidi women who were still being held captive and sexually abused on a daily basis by Isil fighters, told how they were raped on the top floor of the building, up to three times a day, by different groups of more
Photo source: Nona FaustinePhotographer Nona Faustine was drawn to shoot a series of self-portraits she calls “White Shoes”, which feature shots of her naked on sites associated with the slave trade in downtown Manhattan, NYC’s Wall Street area.
The Village Voice points out, “New York was the capital of American slavery for more than 200 years.”
Revisiting the spaces haunted by such atrocious tales, Faustine drapes her body across the implicated grounds like a bold protestor or a spiritual medium. Her bare flesh recalls the stories of so many strangers that went untold, simultaneously raising questions about why bodies matter and, more specifically, which bodies more
To facilitate a real dialog about topics important to women in business, the New Jersey Small Business Development Center at Brookdale Community College will hold its second annual “Women Entrepreneurs Rock” (aka WeRock) at a legendary music venue in Asbury Park on Monday, October 19. The event is free and open to the public.
19 October 19 2015
6-9pm (networking until 10) The Stone Pony
913 Ocean Ave, Asbury Park, NJ 07712
A report in The State of Women Owned Businesses, 2014 from American Express OPEN says:read more
Daily Kos has a nice article about Jimmy Carter: how he’s dealing with cancer … the fact that he kept this country from war during his presidency … and about the man’s fabulous advocacy for the rights of women.
And here’s a Facebook page honoring President Carter. It reached the 50,000 Likes mark in just a few days and shares information about Carter’s life and accomplishments.
Photographer Tara Ruby share a photo of military moms in uniform breastfeeding their kids on Facebook and it’s gone viral even though Facebook deleted it from her page the first time Tara posted it. When she reposted, here’s what Tara said:
I posted this on here last night at 11:59pm. It has since disappeared from my feed and my wall. So we are posting this here again.
Today I believe we made history. To my knowledge a group photo to show support of active duty military mommies nursing their little’s has never been done. It is so nice to see support for this here at Fort more
(Laval Police foto)Feeling that a woman he observed was in danger, teen Malyk Bonnet offered to buy bus tickets and then lunch for the woman and her kidnapper – a former boyfriend the police were already looking for. Acting like a friendly guy with time on his hands and some money to burn, Bonnet stayed close to the couple until he could phone the police, who arrived tout suite and arrested the guy.
Don’t get me wrong – I hate the idea of aborting a fetus this far advanced in term. But this is an important point: doctors who could perform an abortion of this type probably hate it more, so it will always be difficult to find a doctor willing to perform a late term abortion. Except when there is clear medical need. read more
For a long time – years, in fact – I didn’t want to point the law at my husband to help me collect unpaid child support. I thought about the welfare of his minor children in Colombia and the fact that as an undocumented immigrant my son’s dad could be jailed for a while and then deported. None of which wouldn’t do any member of two families any good.
But things change. So, what did change?
Ari & his Dad
For one thing, our children grew up. Luís’ youngest child is older than my son Ari by about three years, which means that right now he’s about 23. He also no longer lives in Colombia – his mom re-married and took their son to Curação, where they live comfortably with her new husband. read more
The White House just released a very well-done video with major actors, President Obama and Vice-Prez Biden taking a stand against sexual assault. They say men need to be part of the solution to stop it from ever happening, “Because 1 is 2 many.” reports, “Vice President Biden introduced the PSA during the official release of “The First Report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault” Tuesday afternoon in Washington.” Biden tells us, “This is about respect. It’s about responsibility.”read more