Sad day for the United States as a young Los Angeles man is shamefully murdered by two police who shoot him repeatedly after handcuffing him, then sit on him while he writhes in pain crying for help until he ascends to meet his ancestors. In his lust to kill 23 year old Noel Aguilar, one of the policeman shoots his partner.
A bystander captured the whole episode on video but be warned: it is graphic, sad and extremely disturbing.
May the blessings of God cover us all in holy light and peace. Please Lord, bring comfort to the soul and family of Noel and enfold them in your loving embrace. With God’s help, let us act to end the violence raging out of control in the beautiful world that is His gift to us.
Sign the National Action Against Police Brutality Petition started by Danette Chavis of New York
Danette Chavis
Dec 21, 2015 — WARNING!! HORRIFIC POLICE MURDER CAUGHT ON VIDEO!! Noel Aguilar was only 23 and he was murdered by police who had knocked him off his bike for wearing ear phones. Then suddenly, he is on the ground and police threaten to to “kill him”. He is handcuffed and an officer yells, “I’ve been shot”. The young man is heard saying, “I didn’t shoot any one”. Again an officer says, “I’ve been shot”. The young man is then asking why a gun is being pointed at him and he is then shot in the stomach. 3 more shots are fired at him this time in the back. He struggles, and is telling police he dying. The officer sit on back holding him down by his weight until he dies. These officers murdered a young man of 23 for NOTHING!! The LA Sheriffs department and the media both reported it as a “shoot out with police” in which an officer was shot! An officer was SHOT but NOT by the VICTIM but by his partner! The cop shot his own partner while trying to shoot the victim – then murdered the victim!! At the time of this murder NOBODY knew about this video. Not police, not the media, nor the public! Now they do…
Thank you Dr. Jonathan Hodges for sharing this important news story.
Yeah 🙁
This is getting out of hand. This makes you fear police every time you see one.