Free speech under heavy attack in Georgia via both legal and governmental actions. But not only Georgia – in hundreds of actions all around the country.
Young Bernie campaigned for civil rights and Hillary, for segregationist Goldwater
On Facebook, Carl Manley shared this photo and these very enlightening words:
I’m not trying to tell you who to vote for in the upcoming election, I’m just asking you how many current presidential candidates marched with the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? In 1963 Bernie Sanders Marched With MLK Jr on Washington DC’s “I Have A Dream Speech”. In 1964, Hillary Clinton Campaigned for Sen Goldwater who Promised to Racially Re-Segregate the Nation & Overturn the Civil Rights Act.
I have heard people discount this UGLY fact about Hillary Clinton as ancient history and it is… but just as Paula Deen was expected to explain and vocally apologize for her ancient history, so should Hillary Clinton. Why is she getting a free pass when she supported Goldwater whose SOLE mission for running was to Racially Re-Segregate the nation?
Hillary was quoted to have respected Goldwater for “swimming against the political tide”.
SO why does Hillary Clinton get a pass to run for president of the United States amidst such presently ongoing and ignored racial tensions across the nation… without being made to publicly account for – in front of a spotlight or on morning TV crying to Matt Lauer…. and apologize LOUDLY with HUMILITY –VERSUS SELF PROMOTION — to the African American Community for her participation in this ugly part of history?
Boston Museum shows never run Life photos of black life in 1950s US
Gordon Parks hadn’t been to his hometown, Fort Scott, Kansas, in more than 20 years when he returned there in 1950 as a photojournalist on assignment for Life magazine. Growing up as the youngest of 15 children, Parks attended the Plaza School, an all-black grade school in the heavily segregated town. Now, as the first black man hired full-time by the magazine, Parks wanted to find and photograph all 11 of his classmates from grade school as a way of measuring the impact of school segregation. The photo essay he created, which was never published, is on display at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in the exhibition, “Gordon Parks: Back to Fort Scott,” beginning Jan. 17.
NAACP’s police interaction guide: The 411 on the 5-0
The 411 on the 5-0 is the NAACP’s “Real World Guide to Interacting with Law Enforcement”. It offers helpful suggestions on how to interact with law enforcement officers to minimize any possibility of conflict or loss of rights. Please take a look at it and share your thoughts.
Most inspiring message on Why Vote!
The news is skewed – dig deeper for the truth
This country is becoming more like a 3rd world country. Why aren’t people demanding jobs instead of talking about racism. Sick and tired of hearing about racism. Everything is racism. Find some other excuse rather than racism. If anything is done wrong it’s blame it on racism. People need to stop blaming and stop looking for hand me out. It seems as though some people like to keep stoking the word racism and using the blame game too much. What about Solyndra all the billions that cost tax payers money. That money could have been used to help students pay for their school loans. The unnecessary spending while unemployment is still above 8%.
What’s wrong with a photo ID. With all the corruption that took place in other elections – this is to make sure that nobody cheats. There are many cheaters in this society and they will do anything to cheat. Photo ID is a good thing. Just like a driver’s license. Too much cheating went on in the previous election eg the use of fake ID’s and fake names.
Christie erodes privacy through NJMVC
New Jersey MVC chairman Raymond Martinez Martinez announced that beginning May 7 2012, New Jersey will be the ninth state requiring the controversial “Tru ID” driver’s licenses, which are a form of national identity card opposed by civil rights and privacy advocates around the country. To obtain a new license or renew an old one, “proof of legal identity, proof of lawful presence in the US, proof of Social Security number, and proof of principal residence,” will be required.
At 2007 Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on implications for civil liberties, a policy analyst criticized DHS for,
“… not providing strong federal guidelines for privacy and security for the program, leaving it to the states to handle …. Were they to comply with the REAL ID Act, states would have to cross a mine-field of complicated and expensive technology decisions,” Harper testified. “They would face enormous, possibly insurmountable, privacy and data security challenges.”