Herramienta para combatir a los rumores, racismo y el perjuicio contra los inmigrantes

proyecto antirumores
Fuente: antirumores.com
Los nuevos inmigrantes afrentan el desafío significante de establecer nuevas vidas en un país extraño. Tampoco puede ser fácil para los residentes indígenas a acomodar no sólo un influjo de estranjeros y sus necesidades sino también aceptar a sus diferencias en costumbre, ideología y perspectivo.

De todas maneras, la asimilación de nuevos inmigrantes se hace mucho más fácil cuando los retos que cada grupo social afrenta son retos prácticos y no miedos basados en el rumor.

Antirumores Getxo read more

NY Daily News outs GOP-backed NRA for putting weapons in hands of terrorists

NY Daily News front page 151118
NY Daily News front page 18 Nov 2015

Republican federal officials were outed by the New York Daily News this morning for colluding with the NRA to sell guns with no questions asked and no background checks, to anyone with the financial resources to buy them. What this means, is that guns have been legally sold to thousands of people on the FBI terrorist watch list – 2000 in fact, over the past 11 years. And your Republican politician, helped to make that happen.

Good thing that Pres. Obama has made a commitment to dedicate his last year in the White House to pushing for gun control reform. read more

Exonerees robbed in prison of decades of their lives now work to free others

true-conviction film
True Conviction Film
After watching the “True Conviction” trailer I put my head down on my desk and cried. What a terrible story – wrongfully convicted men exonerated after decades in jail, having lost the chance to raise and help their children – and to develop as members of society. This nightmare juxtaposed by the love for humanity this team embodies, men who have refused to turn their backs on others wrongfully imprisoned by a brutal and oppressive penal system. They call themselves Freedom Fighters and are led by Christopher Scott. Tambay A. Obenson writes: read more

Christie vetoed bill requiring police & firemen to live in NJ communities they serve

Newark police
Photo source: unknown photo of Newark Police found via Patch
It’s a sad state of affairs when community servants are “vehemently opposed” to living in the communities they serve. That is nevertheless the case for policemen and firefighters, who consider it a huge win that Christie vetoed the residency requirement bill A4265 that passed both State Senate and Assembly this summer. The bill calls for new hires to live in the town they serve, “for the first 5 years on the job.” The NJ Fraternal Order of Police website states: read more

Breaking: TPP text released – and it’s every bit as bad as we feared. Opposition surfaces.

WikiLeaks_TPP shut up and swallow
Source: Wikileaks. Shut Up and Swallow
A Citizen’s Trade Campaign email was waiting for me this morning, with the breaking news that the TPP text has finally been released:

Text for the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was finally released in the wee hours of this morning, and after years of waiting, we now know why negotiators insisted on keeping it a secret for so long. This pact is a disaster for the economy, the environment and public health.

See the full TPP text http://www.mfat.govt.nz/Treaties-and-International-Law/01-Treaties-for-which-NZ-is-Depositary/0-Trans-Pacific-Partnership.php read more

Chalabi late: the man who helped Bush move US into Iraq War

Dance on grave
Art courtesy RaphaelIsASexyName via the
The man who supplied the false evidence that Bush used to push America into war with Iraq, has become late: Ahmed Chalabi. A New York Magazine article tells the story of how his lies together with the ambitions of New York Times reporter Judith Miller, catapulted the Weapons of Mass Destruction myth into national prominence and helped GW Bush build his case to start the Iraq war. A war which effected the transfer of so much wealth from public coffers into close family friend VP Dick Cheney’s Halliburton company, that it seems entirely plausible that Bush’s hunger to push America into war was motivated by desire for personal gain. read more

Obama falls in love with baby pope & his popemobile at White House Halloween

Obamas with baby pope
Source: wh.gov video
President Obama falls for the baby pope at this year’s Halloween White House celebration and names him the top prize winner. First Lady cleary likes Popini too :-). If you’re watching the video, caution: cute alert! Love Dad’s Men in Black outfit too.

This nice little video shows more 2015 White House Halloween fotos and gives the history of the celebration.

Hat tip to Cynthia Flood for the fabulous share.

I can’t stop crying, thinking about police brutalizing girls in classrooms. We must vote.

SC police officer brutalizes student
From video on CNN website
I just read José Luis Vilson’s piece giving his opinion on why adult complicity through inaction – sitting quietly by while big, strong, heavily armed policemen brutalize girls in school classrooms – is inexcusable. And I started crying again. This time I haven’t been able to stop, tears are running down my face as I’m writing.

Edited to add: I just learned that the assault victim is a girl who was recently orphaned.

Where did we go wrong, my friends and neighbors? I want to ask, to scream, to demand answers. How did we get to the point where we not only allow armed law enforcement officers into our children’s schools to serve as para-security guards … but beyond that point, to where we are today: where the same men who shoot pudgy grown men in the back because they failed to pay child support and band together to choke the life right out of a New Yorker for selling loose cigarettes, are let loose in our babies’ classrooms to brutalize, terrorize and humiliate them and after they do haul them off, no doubt, to lock them up in jails or detention schools or juvenile halls – to make them look the wrongdoers. read more

The People won prison phone justice today – thanks FCC!

We won phone justice
Graphic by Jermaine Chambers
What kind of a nation would lock up 10% of its adult population long term for minor crimes like smoking a marijuana joint or stealing a jacket … and on top of that, make calling home so expensive for prisoners it became virtually impossible?

Well, that would be the United States of America – until this morning, that is, when the FCC voted to make prison calls affordable. Thank you for heading up this valuable initiative Commissioner Mignon Clyburn.

Today (Thursday, 21 October 2015), the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to cap the rates and fees companies charge those families struggling to keep in touch with incarcerated relatives by phone. That change came as a direct result of mounting pressure from groups across the country. read more

Ayuda grátis y de bajo costo con solicitudes de DACA

DACA 3 anos

Recursos para aplicar ó renovar su solicitud de la Acción Diferida – DACA

El programa DACA se ha expandido y algunos de las reglamentaciones se han cambiado. Aprenda más.

El primer paso para todo solicitante sería registrarse con la red nacional DACA Renewal Network. Esto es un proyecto de United We Dream, una organización fundado por jovenes indocumentados para ayudar a la comunidad de los DREAMers. El grupo brinda ayuda a nivel nacional con identificar abogados y programas que ofrecen asistencia con las solicitudes DACA grátis ó a bajo costo. También informa sobre cambios en el programa DACA y el progreso de la propuesta DREAM Act legislación. read more

Teen tells how he repeatedly hacked CIA director’s email

John Brennan - Director of the CYA by DonkeyHotey via Flickr
John Brennan, Director of the CYA by DonkeyHotey via Flickr
Wired reports on a high schooler who contacted the New York Post in mid-October to tell them how he hacked into the CIA director’s personal AOL email and what he found there:

..sensitive government documents stored as attachments in Brennan’s personal account because the spy chief had forwarded them from his work email … and the sensitive 47-page SF-86 application that Brennan had filled out to obtain his top-secret government security clearance.

The privacy of one of the country’s highest ranking security officials along with sensitive US government data, was compromised by a teenager. SMH. read more

Bernie Sanders: Koch Bros want to end equality, dignity and hope in America. Don’t let them.

Sanders against Koch BrosBernie Sanders lays out exactly what the Koch Brothers want.

With money comes power, and these guys have plenty of money, so watch out America: the Koch Brothers wealth increased by $12B in 2014. They are after your food stamps and other nutrition programs. They want Obamacare dismantled … and same for the United States Post Office, Social Security and housing assistance programs. They want prison populations increased and public education, gone forever. They want to house our parents and grandparents in homes where they decide what food and care they will get. read more

Big Media hates Lessig’s campaign message (get Big Money out of elections)

lessig campaign site header
Banner from Lessig Campaign Website lessig2016.us
Who profits most when hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in funding political campaigns? Possibly it’s the media companies that get handsomely paid to serve up the ads that are bought with those millions.

So, it makes sense that Big Media is blacking out news and views about the candidate running on a platform to completely cut Big Money out of political campaigns. Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Lawrence Lessig’s platform is barebones simple: let’s reform US politics, beginning with getting Big Money out of political elections. This will make voting more egalitarian and Congress more accountable. From Lessig’s campaign website: read more

America responds resoundingly to Bernie Sanders’ anger & honesty in Dem Debate

CNN Politics poll results
Source: CNN Politics Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015
Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015[/caption]Did you notice in the Dem debate that all of the candidates (except O’Malley, who seems immutable) were trying to be more human – even Hillary, who failed miserably (because she’s a bot and has serious barriers to displaying emotion thanks to her botox cheeks and varnished hair). This is all because of Bernie Sanders, who has single-handledly managed to re-introduce humanity and compassion back into the American political dialogue.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says read more

Uber CEO calls it: the GOP objects to Obamacare because it frees workers

Obamacare Facts
I’ve been waiting for someone with authority to come out and say this. Now Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has, and a New York Magazine reporter expands on the theme: universal healthcare in America is a problem for capitalists (represented by the GOP), because it both frees workers from staying at a job just for the health benefits and it knocks down a barrier to entrepreneurship. Capitalism always need an underclass to exploit but quality universal healthcare will make it harder to exploit workers. The worker that can easily leave a job for better conditions, opportunity or pay is a worker who has negotiating strength and may even have enough money to compete with his boss. read more