Truthout editor William Rivers Pitt sees exactly what I do: that Hillary Clinton is just about as scary a presidential candidate as Donald Trump is. And there are more like us out there.
I was a proposed Bernie pledged delegate, but was bumped off the Democratic National Convention attendance roster because my district vote was split and Hillary as front-running candidate got the first pick. Once Hillary’s people chose her delegates and Bernie’s campaign picked my son Ivan Wei, there was no room left for me.
But, I’m not complaining. Although I would have liked to attend this historic convention, Ivan has a better chance – because he’s a young and Latino delegate – at collecting the needed funds than I probably would. In fact, if you would like to donate to Ivan’s delegate expense fundraiser, it will be warmly appreciated and meaningfully used. Ivan’s one heck of an advocate and he loves Bernie Sanders.
In his op-ed Pitt writes:
Bernie Sanders is one of my heroes, a truth-teller, a genuine iconoclast in his own right. We have not seen his like in electoral politics for a long time. I would give just about anything to see him sworn into office come January, but that’s not going to happen. The math simply isn’t there, so here I sit: terrified of the GOP nominee, terrified of the Democratic nominee, and hit on all sides by those who say Sanders should bow to the inevitable and step aside.
Hell with that. Take it to the convention and hats over the windmill. At a minimum, his presence will keep Hillary Clinton from careening to the right upon first glance of opportunistic daylight. Sanders can march into the convention hall a hero, triumphant even in defeat, full in the knowledge that he became the change he wished to see in the world and left this joint a little better than he found it.
Most of my heroes were gone before I arrived, but that’s OK. Earth is more than 4 billion years old, and I have the great good fortune of knowing that I occupied this planet at the same time as Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Anonymous calls Hillary out on her equity destroying policies – watch.