One brave Republican stands up to madman Trump’s false claims of voter fraud

Trump sociopath
Sean Spicer, White House news spokesman, would not confirm his boss Trump’s false claims of voter fraud in the election. Obviously he can’t deny that Trump’s claims are true, either, because he would lose his job if he did. So Spicer jumped into the position of saying that Trump believes his own conspiracy theory claims to be true, and hung out with that. Other Republicans wouldn’t dispute Trump’s claims either, until Sen. Lindsey Graham (R SC) spoke up.

In an interview, Graham told CNN:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) gave the only real denunciation of Trump’s voter fraud claims out of his Republican colleagues on Tuesday. ‘I would urge the president to knock this off; this is the greatest democracy on earth, we’re the leader of the free world, and people are going to start doubting you as a person if you keep making accusations against our electoral system without justification,’ Graham told CNN in an interview.

Rep. Luís Gutierrez says very succinctly, “Bring the proof forward, or shut up.”

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