Prison-based gerrymandering brings in power & extra money to towns housing prisons

The museum and memorial’s Director of Research, Ibrahima Seck, says today, “People need to understand what happened on these plantations … why so many people are in jail, so much poverty, black people being shot and killed like game. All that is rooted in slavery.”
I wasn’t craving cherries much, but I just wanted to support my people.
“Hold on, I’m gonna’ go get me some cherries.” I said to my friend, and then approached the cherry-stand, and in Spanish said to the woman, “4 Crates, please.”
The woman looked down to face her daughter, which was when I realized that the woman didn’t speak Spanish, so her daughter was her translator.
Ready to Run is a bipartisan campaign and civic leadership training for women held in states across the country and here in New Jersey, it’s an initiative of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP). The information and networking are first class, so attend if you can.
Ready to Run
Fri & Sat 18-19 March 2016
Douglass Student Center
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Get more information and register at cawp.rutgers.edu/ReadytoRun. If you need a partial scholarship, look for the link to apply – the earlier, the better as limited funds are available and awards are made on a rolling basis.
Maralee Bradley is the white mother of a rainbow coalition of 6 children, including adopted 9 year old son Josh, born in Liberia. Worried about Josh after the decision not to indict Tamir Rice’s killer cop, Maralee published an Essay on her blog “To the White Parents of My Black Son’s Friends” that went viral and got 600,000 views on its first day.
Thanks to Bryan Silva via Ari Wei for the share
Sad day for the United States as a young Los Angeles man is shamefully murdered by two police who shoot him repeatedly after handcuffing him, then sit on him while he writhes in pain crying for help until he ascends to meet his ancestors. In his lust to kill 23 year old Noel Aguilar, one of the policeman shoots his partner.
A bystander captured the whole episode on video but be warned: it is graphic, sad and extremely disturbing.
May the blessings of God cover us all in holy light and peace. Please Lord, bring comfort to the soul and family of Noel and enfold them in your loving embrace. With God’s help, let us act to end the violence raging out of control in the beautiful world that is His gift to us.
(Obama) had the un-mitigated gall to be a Black man who beat two Republican candidates. Furthermore, he had the bad sense to be articulate, a faithful husband and good father. Moreover, he unpatriotically was able to stop our soldiers from being killed in the Middle East while saving us $30 – 50 billion dollars a month.
It was bad form for him to kill Osama bin Laden seeing as how the previous Administration was unable to do it.
Poor boy. He was apparently high on PCP but exhibited no violent behaviour.
The officer who mercilessly and without provocation executed Laquan is being charged with murder. I wish for Laquan’s mother, family, friends and community – peace, comfort and healing.
When he argues that the black community needs to reject government handouts and the Democratic Party’s “welfare state,” Carson offers “validation for positions held by [white] Republicans” that structural racism doesn’t exist, or are uncomfortable with a black president insisting it does … He’s a Republican. He speaks at conservative forums, which are mainly forums for white people. Certainly black Twitter isn’t rushing to gush about Ben Carson.
There are not only Jews in Uganda, but they dance, sing, are farmers and land stewards.
The Abayudaya Jewish Community of Uganda and Israeli artist Irene Orleansky partnered to create “Shalom, Mirembe!” as part of a music collection from Israelites and Jews of Africa and Asia. For more information and to purchase the CD visit ireneorleansky.com. The participating Jewish communities receive all proceeds from CD sales.
.. as a part of a protest over the way the university handles racial harassment … (including a request) for a comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum, and an increase of black faculty and staff.