Take back America: Boycott abusers and elect community-minded politicians

This is my new home in England and, I have to tell you, it has taken me completely by surprise. I had heard and read so much about how the British people were so unwelcoming to migrants and asylum seekers and want to close the borders and even bomb the boats carrying migrants. But my experience has shown me that the ones who care and want to help far outnumber the ones who don’t. I have met such kindness from so many strangers.
De todas maneras, la asimilación de nuevos inmigrantes se hace mucho más fácil cuando los retos que cada grupo social afrenta son retos prácticos y no miedos basados en el rumor.
.. as a part of a protest over the way the university handles racial harassment … (including a request) for a comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum, and an increase of black faculty and staff.
There is nothing noble about voting, but it is a pretty sure-fired way to show your elected official that you are willing to show up at the polls. This sends a clear message that you can vote him/her out of office – which is their job – if s/he doesn’t represent you well.
Edited to add: I just learned that the assault victim is a girl who was recently orphaned.
Where did we go wrong, my friends and neighbors? I want to ask, to scream, to demand answers. How did we get to the point where we not only allow armed law enforcement officers into our children’s schools to serve as para-security guards … but beyond that point, to where we are today: where the same men who shoot pudgy grown men in the back because they failed to pay child support and band together to choke the life right out of a New Yorker for selling loose cigarettes, are let loose in our babies’ classrooms to brutalize, terrorize and humiliate them and after they do haul them off, no doubt, to lock them up in jails or detention schools or juvenile halls – to make them look the wrongdoers.
Well, that would be the United States of America – until this morning, that is, when the FCC voted to make prison calls affordable. Thank you for heading up this valuable initiative Commissioner Mignon Clyburn.
Today (Thursday, 21 October 2015), the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to cap the rates and fees companies charge those families struggling to keep in touch with incarcerated relatives by phone. That change came as a direct result of mounting pressure from groups across the country.
Bernie Sanders lays out exactly what the Koch Brothers want.
With money comes power, and these guys have plenty of money, so watch out America: the Koch Brothers wealth increased by $12B in 2014. They are after your food stamps and other nutrition programs. They want Obamacare dismantled … and same for the United States Post Office, Social Security and housing assistance programs. They want prison populations increased and public education, gone forever. They want to house our parents and grandparents in homes where they decide what food and care they will get.
In this TV debate, the compassion of Former Iraqi MP Ayad Jamal Al-Din for his fellow man and the true Muslim faith shine through wonderfully. The historical and religious points with which Mr. Al-Din elucidates his reasons for believing that government must remain separate from religion, are compelling and strangely beautiful. I found myself crying with the emotion of hearing this good man express his abiding love and respect for all persons.
In the next clip, Mr. Al-Din explains why Muslims must choose between the extremism of ISIS and the peaceful alternative lifestyle offered by modern secular, civil governments that serve all people equally and call for the violent deaths of no one. God bless, Mr. Al-Din.
The Social Justice Challenge (SJC) is a student competition initiative that allows students the opportunity to generate ideas for innovative projects that respond to significant social justice issues currently affecting youth and young adult populations and compete for seed funding to launch and/or expand their ideas.
Any organized activity intended to address a social justice issue affecting youth and young adults will be considered for the award. (Please note: At least one member of each student team must be affiliated with either a Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) member program or an Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) member program).
Umpqua College should be the last school where students are killed by gun violence. This can’t be part of the education process.
Brought to you by DemandaPlan.org, a project of Every Town for Gun Safety.
Developer-owned charter schools are publicly funded but managed privately, without the obligation to provide any public accountability for either their teaching methods or financial expenditures. Not surprising that they’re a virtual breeding ground for a level of corruption so exaggerated that it turned GW Bush’s former Assistant Secretary of Education, Diane Ravitch, into one of the country’s leading public education advocates.
A Harvard Innovation Lab team took on the challenge of showing how our desktops have evolved through transferring all of the functions we used to have physically present on our desk spaces that are now on portable laptops. Watch ‘the history of the computer desk’, a truly marvellous time lapse video by Best Reviews.