.@realDonaldTrump is https://t.co/gY10rg4e9x immigrants must boycott for dignity. Sign our pledge https://t.co/eKPXuaaqrU #migrantboycott pic.twitter.com/J8wMvORpbe
— Movimiento Cosecha (@CosechaMovement) November 9, 2016
.@realDonaldTrump is https://t.co/gY10rg4e9x immigrants must boycott for dignity. Sign our pledge https://t.co/eKPXuaaqrU #migrantboycott pic.twitter.com/J8wMvORpbe
— Movimiento Cosecha (@CosechaMovement) November 9, 2016
These women jump-ropers from Hungary make it look easy to heft a soccer ball while jump-roping. Truth is, I went to school with a bunch of girls who were probably many times more skilled than these ladies, but my schoolmates didn’t come up with the idea of jump-roping and butt-rope-jumping all over Rio during World Cup season like they did.
By the way, I boycotted the World Cup to protest the Brazilian government’s “sanitization program” which removed entire communities of poor people and ordered the killing of over 120 street orphans to make the World Cup area nice for tourists.
The Newark Students Union (NSU) organized a massive 1,000 student walkout last April and on Monday Nov 4, they will stage another mass boycott demanding that quality education be returned to Newark. The students want Gov. Christie to fund schools at court ordered levels and to repair school buildings, which are currently unsafe – two legal obligations which Christie has refused to honor. Spread the word about the rally and be there if you can. The social media hashtag is #npsboycott.
Boycott & Rally to Protest Gov. Christie’s Control of Newark Public Schools
November 4 2013 @ 9am
30 Clinton Street in Newark NJ
Join the movement.
Here’s a list of actions we can carry out to honor Trayvon Martin’s life and protest the Florida government’s handling of his murderer’s trial. Please add yours as a comment.