Father, son & now grandson: 30 years of annual fotos in China

Chinese Father and Son in annual fotoThe Daily Mail shows selections from this series of yearly shots of a father and son, with commentary:

A beautiful series of photographs have shown the unbreakable bond between a father and son in China.

Father Tian Jun, 56, and son Tian Li, 29, have posed for the same photograph every year for nearly three decades, since Li was born in 1986.

The incredible pictures capture how Li, who is now a film director, has grown over the years from baby to adult.

Google tracks everything you do, but you can stop them

stop spying on usGoogle tracks every place you go and records every search you make. They also store voice recordings of every interaction you have with ‘Google Now’. If you feel this is kinda creepy or just like privacy, checks out these posts and learn how to turn off Google’s tracking and delete your stored history items:

America responds resoundingly to Bernie Sanders’ anger & honesty in Dem Debate

CNN Politics poll results
Source: CNN Politics Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015
Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015[/caption]Did you notice in the Dem debate that all of the candidates (except O’Malley, who seems immutable) were trying to be more human – even Hillary, who failed miserably (because she’s a bot and has serious barriers to displaying emotion thanks to her botox cheeks and varnished hair). This is all because of Bernie Sanders, who has single-handledly managed to re-introduce humanity and compassion back into the American political dialogue.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says read more

Google advertisers can target you by interests in your emails – so opt out!

Google has a new way of exploiting your privacy. It picks out the interests that are expressed in your email correspondence and charges advertisers to serve ads to you based on interests you express in them. Fortunately, you can opt-out of this intrusion by clicking the off button at https://www.google.com/settings/ads.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

Log into your Google account.
Visit https://www.google.com/settings/ads.
Look for the toggle button next to https://www.google.com/settings/ads.
Google opt-outTurn it off. read more

Kafkaesque police capture boy & grill him for not saying his clock is a bomb

Ahmed and his clock
Photo composite courtesy wtvr.com
In a Kafka novel, a man is accused by the police of a crime that’s too top-secret for them to discuss or reveal which government department has brought charges against him – and that’s the whole novel. In a similar circumstance, 14 year old Ahmed Mohammed from Irving, Texas brings a home-made clock to school to show his engineering teacher and she accused him of making a bomb to threaten her. The police arrive to handcuff, arrest and then grill him for hours because Ahmed wouldn’t say that his clock was something other than a clock. Because it’s a clock. read more

Just 6 companies control 90% of the US media – and your perceptions

6 companies own 90% of media
Infographic by Jason of Frugal Dad
Seeing similarities in the news you read, view and hear – that’s no mistake. In fact, it might be inevitable, being that only six companies own 90% of all US media and all of the information we receive from it.

the 6 companiesDC Clothesline comments:

Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations. These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day. They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites. Sadly, most Americans don’t even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. But they should. read more

Learn how EMV chip card payment technology will affect your small business

EMV chip payment technologyThe SBA has resources to help small businesses with a payment technology revolution that’s coming soon – EMV chip card payments. Here’s what they say about it:

For merchants and financial institutions, the switch to EMV means adding new in-store technology and internal processing systems. To get chip-enabled for your business, contact your acquirer or payment services provider.

The switch to EMV also means a change in liability for credit card fraud. Today, if an in-store transaction is conducted using a counterfeit, stolen or otherwise compromised card, consumer losses from that transaction generally fall back on the payment processor or issuing bank, depending on the card’s terms and conditions. read more

Disturbing: Google is promoting hatred of Jews by skewing search results

Anti-semitic statisticsI was searching for a graphic depicting the fundamental unfairness of bashing Israel for defending itself against Arab attacks and increasing, global anti-semitism. But Google wouldn’t let me find any of those images: it just let me find images of Israelis unfairly attacking Arabs.

I don’t believe that the poor Arab, ugly Israel propaganda promoted by Big Media is the real truth underlying today’s Middle East conflict. But it’s quite apparent that this is what Google wants people to believe. By skewing search results to feed anti-Israel sentiment, Google is practicing fundamental unfairness and injustice. Shame on you, Google. read more

Why the TPP’s so bad, and why you should care

Info on TPP found at the EFF website
You know the part where they teach you that we are citizens of a democracy – which means free speech, civil rights for all and fairness in our justice and commerce systems?

No matter what we might be duking out on United States soil in regards to what that means for People of Color, women, transgender folk and whatnot .. what would our lives be like if those rights were permanently taken away from all of us, permanently .. and control over them were given not even to foreign governments, but to major corporations instead of any government at all? read more

Spectacular use of tech: drone film of LA visual treasures

Ian Wood on VimeoFilmmaker and drone flyer Ian Wood has put together a beautiful video of visual treasures in downtown LA, well worthy of the 5 minute viewing time with a rocking blues soundtrack that makes it a fun watch.

People, this is a good use of drone technology – spreading wonder, enjoyment … celebrating culture and sense of place – and showing that aerial photography is within reach of the average Joe. Wood’s video comes with a companion map of locations he filmed.

Thanks for the heads up Curbed LA and friend Leen de Weerd Mosley. read more

I live under a rock. Didn’t know Facebook bought Instagram.

facebook money
Credit: TBreak
I knew about FriendFeed. I know about WhatsApp. Causes. But I didn’t have even an inkling that Facebook also owns Instagram. Whoa, I feel dumb. I kinda like Instagram, but what I don’t like is giving Facebook any more information about my life and my preferences than it already harvests (which is a lot – I’m a prolific poster). That’s why I don’t use any of the other FB apps.

Forbes shares a list of 10 Reasons Why Facebook Bought Instagram and Pocket-link tells us what else Facebook owns. read more

Atlantic’s list of “100 fantastic pieces of journalism” from 2014


The Atlantic’s Roughly 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism: Exceptional nonfiction stories from 2014, includes:

SALON / The Day I Left My Son in the Car by Kim Brooks (Kimi note: this is a truly blow-away article)
“I made a split-second decision to run into the store. I had no idea it would consume the next years of my life.”

THE NEW YORK TIMES / Working Anything but 9 to 5 by Jodi Kantor
“She rarely learned her schedule more than three days before the start of a workweek, plunging her into urgent logistical puzzles over who would watch the boy. Months after starting the job she moved out of her aunt’s home, in part because of mounting friction over the erratic schedule, which the aunt felt was also holding her family captive. Ms. Navarro’s degree was on indefinite pause because her shifting hours left her unable to commit to classes. She needed to work all she could, sometimes counting on dimes from the tip jar to make the bus fare home. If she dared ask for more stable hours, she feared, she would get fewer work hours over all.” read more

Thanks to Iko’s designer, kids can build their own hands using Lego

Credit: Carlos Arturo Torres/Umeå Institute of Design

Carlos Arturo Torres is a believer in fun and childhood now living in Chicago. In 2014, as a student at Sweden’s Umeå Institute of Design in Sweden, he also became the creator of Iko – “a prosthetic arm for children that also acts as a platform for creative Lego projects.” Iko responds to signals traveling through its wearer’s arm nerves to move, pick up and manipulate objects and it’s got a great grip.

Torres explains,

sometimes a functional element is everything (a kid needs), but some other times it might be a spaceship, or a doll house, or a telescope, or a video game controller, or a swim fin. What if kids could use their imagination to create their own prosthetics, their own tools according to their own needs? Learning. Creating. Being kids. read more