TV Host Ibrahim Issa slams Arabs for claiming ISIS is not Muslim: “What else are they?”

Ibrahim Issa
Source: YouTube video of Ibrahim Issa on Al-Khaera Wal-Nas TV

In his November 16 2015 show, Egyptian journalist Ibrahim Issa criticizes the Arabic community for circulating the myth that ISIS “has nothing to do with Islam … What are we supposed to call them,” he asks, “Buddhists?”

Issa also scoffs at the Arabic-circulated conspiracy theory that Western intelligence agencies are behind the France attack. “Why?” he demands, “Why? Why would they murder … people of their own culture … in order to have an excuse to attack the terrorists? Attacking terrorists requires no justification, by the way.” read more

Native Americans give no thanks for Columbus’ legacy of destruction and neither should we

picture from One Cut video
Screen shot from One Word – Episode 25: Christopher Columbus invited Native Americans to free-associate one word with Columbus. They got fabulous responses worked into a short video, which made me feel very thoughtful.

Although American schoolchildren do learn about the destruction Columbus brought to our land and the First Nation people who were already living here, we are also taught to idolize both the destroyer and the destruction Columbus initiated. Which means that from a very young age, our schools are teaching children to idolize cruelty, thievery, genocide and to value the monetization of natural resources. Resources which – when left intact or at least, used sustainably – remain treasures of Mother Earth with the power to nurture and allow us to live surrounded by beauty, in comfort. read more

ISIS = ISIL = IS = DAESH = rapists, brutalizers, woman murderers

ISIS sex slaves
Photo source:
ISIS = ISIL = IS = DAESH. All names for Islamic terrorists known for committing violent crimes against humanity around the world – even against fellow Muslims. They are the cause of Syrian citizens mass exodus from their homeland.

The world knew about young sex slaves Daesh kidnaps and forces into marriages or continuously rapes until the woman crave death rather than live this way. The Telegraph relates:

Last year, one 17-year-old girl, part of a group of about 40 Yazidi women who were still being held captive and sexually abused on a daily basis by Isil fighters, told how they were raped on the top floor of the building, up to three times a day, by different groups of men. read more

Meet with journalists in a free forum and get help telling YOUR story about life in Atlantic City

NJ News Voices in ACFree Press wants to help Atlantic City community members tell your stories to the press:

We’ve heard what outsiders have to say about Atlantic City. Now it’s your turn. Meet with journalists in a community forum and tell YOUR story about life in Atlantic City.

My Atlantic City – What’s Your AC Story?
Tues 08 Dec 2015 | 6–8:30 pm
(light refreshments will be served)
Noyes Arts Garage at Stockton University
200 Fairmount Ave
Atlantic City NJ
RSVP today

We hear from Creative New Jersey that some stories may get into a PBS documentary and that free training on media platforms will be offered to all participants. read more

Israel conspiracy theories are incitements to hate Jews. If you love truth, don’t buy in.

Muslim leader & Hitler - Jew hatred is in Quran
Photo credit courtesy of
There are an exponentially growing number of anti-Jewish incidents around the world, predominantly fueled by extremist Muslim dollars, the indifference of progressives and the silence of people whose reason and compassion might positively influence public opinion – except they won’t speak out. I don’t wish to enable hatred with my own silence.

However, disputing the viciousness of Jew haters makes me instantly frustrated. It seems a daunting task to confront the beliefs of people who when it comes to bashing Jews thoughtlessly spread rumour and innuendo against my people and hold onto an unreasoning hatred of Jews no matter what good we do. These people embrace an unreasoning support for Muslims no matter what harm or violence Muslim extremists commit … and show no interest in factual analysis of the rumours that are disseminated by propagandists, or the truth. In their hatred for Jews the unreasoning are eager to embrace information that fuels their hatred and show no interest in assessing whether the information is true or false. read more

Breaking: TPP text released – and it’s every bit as bad as we feared. Opposition surfaces.

WikiLeaks_TPP shut up and swallow
Source: Wikileaks. Shut Up and Swallow
A Citizen’s Trade Campaign email was waiting for me this morning, with the breaking news that the TPP text has finally been released:

Text for the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was finally released in the wee hours of this morning, and after years of waiting, we now know why negotiators insisted on keeping it a secret for so long. This pact is a disaster for the economy, the environment and public health.

See the full TPP text read more

Chalabi late: the man who helped Bush move US into Iraq War

Dance on grave
Art courtesy RaphaelIsASexyName via the
The man who supplied the false evidence that Bush used to push America into war with Iraq, has become late: Ahmed Chalabi. A New York Magazine article tells the story of how his lies together with the ambitions of New York Times reporter Judith Miller, catapulted the Weapons of Mass Destruction myth into national prominence and helped GW Bush build his case to start the Iraq war. A war which effected the transfer of so much wealth from public coffers into close family friend VP Dick Cheney’s Halliburton company, that it seems entirely plausible that Bush’s hunger to push America into war was motivated by desire for personal gain. read more

85 rich people’s wealth equals what world’s poorest half own & other sad economic truths

Rich get richer graph
Source: Oxfam Working for the Few Report 2014
Don’t forget: the world’s 85 richest people now have as much wealth as the poorest half of the world.

Oxfam introduces its Jan 2014 report Working for the Few with a quote from US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, “We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we cannot have both.” The report is concerned with the “growing tide of inequality” and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a very few individuals.

The report shares these startling statistics: read more

America responds resoundingly to Bernie Sanders’ anger & honesty in Dem Debate

CNN Politics poll results
Source: CNN Politics Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015
Facebook Page 14 Oct 2015[/caption]Did you notice in the Dem debate that all of the candidates (except O’Malley, who seems immutable) were trying to be more human – even Hillary, who failed miserably (because she’s a bot and has serious barriers to displaying emotion thanks to her botox cheeks and varnished hair). This is all because of Bernie Sanders, who has single-handledly managed to re-introduce humanity and compassion back into the American political dialogue.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says read more

Reactions begin to emerge about increase in Palestinian violence against Jews

In Israel, Jewish families and children are being stabbed in hate crimes. Yesterday, almost-13 year old Naor Shalev ben Rut was stabbed several times and now fights to retain his hold on life. Yet instead of call for an end to Arab violence, the UN’s head has called for Israel to leave Arabs alone. The UN is famous for its discrimination against Israel but this is right over the top and seems very like incitement. Major media as usual, has been largely silent on the violence except to criticize Israel for taking steps to protect or stop the knifers but now this might be changing. read more

Ayad Jamal Al-Din beautifully tells why peace will come from separating state from religion

Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 5.16.49 PMIn this TV debate, the compassion of Former Iraqi MP Ayad Jamal Al-Din for his fellow man and the true Muslim faith shine through wonderfully. The historical and religious points with which Mr. Al-Din elucidates his reasons for believing that government must remain separate from religion, are compelling and strangely beautiful. I found myself crying with the emotion of hearing this good man express his abiding love and respect for all persons.

Ayad Jamal Al-Din on defeating ISISIn the next clip, Mr. Al-Din explains why Muslims must choose between the extremism of ISIS and the peaceful alternative lifestyle offered by modern secular, civil governments that serve all people equally and call for the violent deaths of no one. God bless, Mr. Al-Din. read more

Uber CEO calls it: the GOP objects to Obamacare because it frees workers

Obamacare Facts
I’ve been waiting for someone with authority to come out and say this. Now Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has, and a New York Magazine reporter expands on the theme: universal healthcare in America is a problem for capitalists (represented by the GOP), because it both frees workers from staying at a job just for the health benefits and it knocks down a barrier to entrepreneurship. Capitalism always need an underclass to exploit but quality universal healthcare will make it harder to exploit workers. The worker that can easily leave a job for better conditions, opportunity or pay is a worker who has negotiating strength and may even have enough money to compete with his boss. read more